Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

4 of 5 stars


So, I am back sitting here trying to figure out how to write this review. Do I talk about serene and beautiful the setting of Menorca (no it’s not a typo!) is? How completely crazy the events in the book are? How I just do not know what and who to trust? About how amazing and bizarre the situation itself was but so damn deliciously fun to read? How satisfying the ending is? Or most importantly how secrets do not stay secret?

Chloe meets Dan, the “man of her dreams” and we meet them two months later as they are running through the airport to go to the Maldives on their honeymoon. All happy and smiles until Chloe notices that they are in fact boarding a plane to Menorca… wait what??? Backtrack a minute, married after two months and not going to the Maldives…in my head, all I could hear in my head was dun dun dun.

Was I wrong? Well, what do you think? lol. However, I am not going to spoil it to for you. One niggle I had was the plot twist, it did feel a bit left field…however….there was a reason for this and those final sentences by Ms Halsall well you sent the chills down my spine and again you completely played me! You threw so many things at me and left my head spinning for sure, but I can not get over those final chilling sentences! You will haunt me with that!

This is the second book I have read by Ms Halsall after she threw curveballs at me in Love You Gone, I knew I would be in for a treat and I truly was not let down. I already have one author who sends me to crazy town, I find that Halsall has characters that will be trying to steal my straight jacket. *Spoiler Alert* it’s my jacket and I am not sharing.

The Honeymoon is one addictive reading, it is pure escapism and when you are not marvelling at the scenery in front of you, you are marvelling at how these people allowed themselves to get in these situations. It has certainly kept my head spinning, never quite sure what was going to happen next. I love books that allow you the opportunity to lose yourself in, to completely immerse yourself in all of its glory. This one does not cease to fail in that for sure, one to read around the poolside….unless you are on your honeymoon, then maybe go and get a plane ticket and go home NOW!

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  • Started reading
  • 12 June, 2019: Finished reading
  • 12 June, 2019: Reviewed