Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

This was fun and cute, but also very touching. Lila was the serious sister, and known as the lizard queen. Her last boyfriend brutally wrote her off, and she believed she was not likable. Enter Ford Ford, yes, that's his name, and his silly name sort of matched the persona he projected to the outside world. Deep down, though, there was a lot more to this single guy. When his daughter brings "Princess Lila" into their lives, Ford is ready for something he hadn't wanted for years - a romantic relationship. The assumptions keeping these two apart made me a bit batty, but I loved them together. Ford brought out the lighter, warmer side of Lila, while Lila pushed Ford, and his daughter, a bit out of their comfort zones, which was a very positive thing. I still love all the puppy training and seeing how these service animals learn their job, and I really enjoyed getting to know another of the Vasquez sisters.


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  • 3 December, 2019: Finished reading
  • 3 December, 2019: Reviewed