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Girl meets dog in this effervescent “feel-good debut”(People) from the author of Why Can't I Be You—now celebrating it's 10th Anniversary!

Savannah “Van” Leone has been in love with Peter Clarke since their first day of college. Six years later, Peter is marrying Van's best friend, Janie. Loyal to a fault, Van dons her pumpkin-orange, maid-of- honor gown and stands up for the couple, struggling to hide her true feelings even when she couldn't be more conspicuous. After the wedding, nursing her broken heart with a Rin Tin Tin marathon plus a vodka chaser, Van accidentally orders a German Shepherd puppy over the Internet. When “Joe” turns out to be a hundred-pound beast who only responds to commands in Slovak, Van is at the end of her rope-until she realizes that sometimes life needs to get more complicated before it can get better.

Reviewed by Leah on

4 of 5 stars

When I read the synopsis for Allie Larkin’s debut novel I fell in love. Books with dogs in them = win (and I got it right this time; books with dogs in, not dogs with books in). Then I saw the cover and went straight to heaven. It was a beauty, but the hardback was so expensive that I had to resign myself to waiting for the paperback. Months later and the paperback had finally appeared for pre-order and I loved that cover even more – the green background, the dog in a box, the Styrofoam everywhere. It was so darn cute so I pre-ordered it and couldn’t wait for it to come out and read it. I received my copy a while back and during a lazy Saturday in September I decided to read the novel.

Stay is an unashamed dog novel. If you don’t like dogs, then the book probably isn’t for you. But then again, who doesn’t like dogs? (I know there are people that don’t like dogs, truly, I do. Though it boggles my mind, but each to their own.) Stay is one of the best books I’ve read, it took me a couple of chapters to get into it, but once I did I was off like a rocket. As soon as Savannah (I refuse to call her Van, Vannah I can do, but not Van, so Savannah she will be) buys Joe, I was hooked. From then on the book is excellent and it really kicks off after that as Savannah’s never had a dog before, and Joe is not the kind of dog she was expecting.

I am not joking when I say that whilst reading Stay I had a smile on my face every time Joe did something. I have two dogs, who I love to pieces so give me a fictional dog and it’s likely I’ll fall madly in love. I wanted my own Joe. I wanted to speak Slovak to him (naturally, coming from Slovakia, Joe only knows Slovakian commands) and have him knock me over because he was so happy to see me. (My dogs can’t do that, they’re too small.) Yup, folks, I was in love with a fictional dog. It happens. And it seems Allie Larkin really knows her dogs and well, I just spent my entire time smiling like an idiot and pleased no one could see me. Because how do you explain that?

The humans weren’t bad either, of course. I was wary about Savannah when I read she was in love with her best friend, Janie’s, husband, Peter, but thankfully it strayed on the side of cautious so to speak, and it wasn’t as if Savannah was actively pursuing Peter. I thought Savannah’s story was interesting. How despite growing up best friend’s with Janie and having her mother, Diane act as a sort-of mother figure after her own mum died of cancer, that Savannah still seemed to be so alone. It made me kinda sad, actually. I thought the entire Diane/Savannah story was really interesting. I was incredibly pleased when we met Alex the vet. He’s the strangest looking vet I’ve ever heard of but gosh, he sounded wonderful and I loved the way he and Savannah just clicked. Clicked so well, in fact, Alex took her to meet his ridiculously cheery friend Louis. I loved Louis. I liked seeing Savannah’s life come to life more.

Stay was a hugely satisfying read. Sure, it took me a couple of chapters to get into it but once I got into it I was hooked. I adored the characters, I absolutely fell head-over-heels in love with Joe and the entire story was just so interesting and gripping. Despite already having two dogs, I seriously wanted to go out and buy a German Shepherd. I can’t wait for Allie Larkin’s next novel because Stay was an absolute delight. It had everything I could have asked for and then more, because of the dog. Oh God, Joe. I miss Joe. I feel like a traitor to my own dogs, but Joe just sounds so cute. Honestly, anybody who likes dogs should read this book because you’ll love it. It’s awesome. There aren’t many writers who put dogs in their books and Allie Larkin knows her dogs inside out and Stay was a treat.

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  • 3 September, 2011: Finished reading
  • 3 September, 2011: Reviewed