Slothilda by Dante Fabiero

Slothilda (Slothilda)

by Dante Fabiero

Are you a fan of doughnuts, the internet, and naps? Slothilda is your kindred spirit! This colorful, sweet, and funny book is the perfect gift for someone you know who really wishes he or she was living the “sloth life.”

Slothilda feels pressured to overachieve in a fast-paced world, but she's constantly fighting her DNA. Though Slothilda's sluggish ways might occasionally hold her back, it turns out her perceived deficits are actually her greatest attributes.

Slothilda gives us permission to feel unashamed about our slothy tendencies and emphasizes the importance of celebrating our authentic selves.

From former Simpsons animator Dante Fabiero comes this all-too-real comic series about an adorable little sloth who's driven by her desire for self-improvement. Slothilda explores an inner conflict we can all relate to–the desire to succeed and grow, while paradoxically dealing with the ever-present temptation to sloth.

With hilarious themes related to work, fitness, food, shopping, and pets, this book shows that you're not the only sloth at heart.

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

I am a fan of Slothilda and sloths in general, and therefore, this was a must-read for me. I loved the art and found myself smiling and giggling throughout the entire book.

I think we all have a little bit of sloth inside us. Some of us are better at keeping it in check more so than others, but I think it's there, and because of that, I believe many people will be able to relate to Slothilda's struggles. I probably related to the diet and exercise bits the most, but also adored the fur baby parts. Seriously, could Slothtilda get any cuter? Add Peanut her dog, and yes she can.

I enjoyed this fun little book, which made me chuckle and smile and was a wonderful little pick-me-up for me.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.


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  • 12 October, 2018: Reviewed