Passion by Lauren Kate

Passion (Fallen, #3)

by Lauren Kate

"Every single lifetime, I'll choose you. Just as you have always chosen me. Forever." Before Luce and Daniel met at Sword & Cross, before they fought the Immortals, they had already lived many lives. And so Luce, desperate to unlock the curse that condemns their love, must revisit her past incarnations in order to understand her fate. Each century, each life, holds a different clue. But Daniel is chasing her throughout the centuries before she has a chance to rewrite history. How many deaths can one true love endure? And can Luce and Daniel unlock their past in order to change their future?

Reviewed by Kim Deister on

4 of 5 stars

The third book in the Fallen series, Passion was very different than the first two books. Unlike those, this book didn't tell a single story. Instead, it followed Luce throughout many of the stories of her lifetimes, travelling ever farther back in order to learn the truth about herself, about Daniel, and about their love. It was an interesting technique to fill in the missing pieces that the previous books left missing. The first two books left vague the back stories of Daniel and the angels and this book went a long way to answering those questions. It also answered much about Luce and her history, throughout time.

I was worried that the time travelling retelling of Luce's story would get muddied or boring, but it really didn't. Each jump in time was almost a mini-story in itself, with each Luce being a completely different kind of person. It was an interesting twist on reincarnation themes. My only criticism was that it was so different in style from the first two that it almost felt as if it was a spin-off, rather than a main part of the series. I enjoyed it, and it answered many of the questions I had about Luce and Daniel, but it just had a very different feel to it. Not bad, just different. Next up is Fallen in Love: A Fallen Novel in Stories, a collection of 4 stories set in the Middle Ages centered around other characters in the series. It will be out January 24, 2012. The final book in the series, Rapture, will be out June 12, 2012.

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  • Started reading
  • 31 December, 2011: Finished reading
  • 31 December, 2011: Reviewed