Reviewed by Baroness Book Trove on

5 of 5 stars

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Author. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Will Sandy give into the chemistry between her and Danny?

Shut Up and Dance With Me by Monique McDonell is a brilliant romance between friends who are thrown together again to witness their besties second wedding. This story is so much more, and it has such a fabulous ending.


Sandy is our female lead. She is an only on the Oceanic Aphrodite for her best friend’s wedding, and that is it. Ok, well some relaxation and sun won’t hurt. But first the wedding and then she can do what she wants.

I like Sandy, and she is one of those perfectly broken characters. Sandy’s parents were divorced after cheating on each other. They were rich, and Sandy was passed from nanny to nanny. So, she doesn’t believe in love or marriage. But heck a girl can dream.

Since being against love is her worst side, Sandy has many good qualities. She is a hard worker, a loyal friend to Vivi, has excellent fashion sense and she can pull off the whole mermaid look.


Danny runs his family’s chain of restaurants. He is from a large Italian family and prefers the ordinary real world to the upper-class lifestyle. He is also on this cruise for his best friend, Lance. But Danny has a few things planned for Sandy.

Danny has many outstanding qualities from his great looks, sense of humor, dance skills, ability to go with the flow, and he is a planner. Don’t you love a man who plans out the day with reservations and such? I do. The only thing that I found I had a hard time with was his acceptance of his friend’s cheating in the past. However, perhaps he saw what actually happened?

Love Story

I loved this story, the love, romance, and the whole Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta tie in with Grease was well written. I also like the way that Danny romances Sandy on the ship. His plans were so well thought out. Oh and the way Danny seemed hurt that Sandy didn’t invite him to share a massage. But he did go to the cooking class with her. So sweet!
“I’ve noticed that when we dance, everything seems to right itself, So how about whenever you get mad at me, we dance it out? We can dance in the kitchen, in the living room, at my restaurants, wherever you like. I don’t care as long as you let me keep you as close as humanly possible?’ He brushes his body against mine.

5 Stars for Shut Up and Dance With Me by Monique McDonell

My rating for Shut Up and Dance With Me by Monique McDonell is five stars. Everything about this story is fantastic. I wouldn’t change a thing. I highly recommend Shut Up and Dance With Me by Monique McDonell, And don’t forget to read the epilogue. HEA endings are the best!

About the Series

Legend says a person with an open heart will meet their true love within a day of boarding the Oceanic Aphrodite. Siggy’s on the run, Liv’s taking her first vacation in ages, and Holly just wants to get to one million subscribers. But each of them finds a bit more than she bargained for. Will these 8 Sassy Singles sail off into the sunset with their matches or abandon ship?

The Oceanic Dreams series is a set of eight romantic comedy novellas, all set on the same Caribbean cruise.

Other Books in the Series

To find my reviews for the series, click the links near the top of the page.

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Shut Up and Dance With Me by Monique McDonell.

Also, check out my interview with Monique McDonell HERE.

Until the next time,

Happy Reading!

This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove

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  • 22 August, 2019: Finished reading
  • 22 August, 2019: Reviewed