Choosing Charity by Terri Ferran

Choosing Charity

by Terri Ferran

Kit Matthews Bridger is newly married to her sweetheart Adam and adjusting to married life, but everything gets turned upside down when her birth mother, the one who left in her in a dumpster twenty years ago, contacts her to ask her to donate her liver to the daughter she didn't "throw away." It takes a lot of prayer and perspective for Kit to forgive her birth mother and open her heart to let new people into her life.

Reviewed by sstaley on

5 of 5 stars

I loved the characters in this book. I haven't read the other books in this series, but I will be going back and reading them. Now, with that said, this book worked very well as a stand alone read. I loved the main character's fun and quirky personality. You come to figure out that her past experiences contribute a lot to how she reacts to things. Another thing I wanted you to know, this was yet again a book that was a quick read. I didn't want to go to sleep, and I stayed up late...ON a school finish this book. This has been happening a lot this summer. I chalk it up to reading many great books by awesome writers!!

This book has a lot of heart. It will pull at your heart strings. It will make you think "what if...". Some of the subjects in this book are adoption, abandonment, infertility, organ donation and emotional healing. Some things are quite controversial. Terri Ferran does a great job in the way she covers all of these tough subjects. My favorite characters have to be Kit and Charity. The interaction between these characters made me LOL and cry. I truly felt empty after finishing this book because I missed them and their conversations. This novel is about what could happen to real people, in very real situations, who turn to family and God to make it through their tough times.

Overall I loved this book. I truly like Terri's writing style and want to read more of her books. Add this book to your summer reading list. I know that it is probably full already, but you won't want to miss this very moving story.

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  • Started reading
  • 1 August, 2012: Finished reading
  • 1 August, 2012: Reviewed