Reviewed by Angie on

2 of 5 stars

We met Thomas, aka Tommy, in Try Me, and now Love Me follows him on his own journey to a second chance at love. Thomas came across as kind of a jerk in the previous book, and he came across as an even bigger jerk in this one. He has a business meeting with Brianna, where he turns up the charm. He's so cocky that it's ridiculous. I think she just agreed to a date with him to shut him up. Brianna is a widow and she doesn't feel like it's a good idea for her to date, especially since she has three kids to worry about. However, she and Thomas share some really hot sex in the opening chapters, and then decide to try out a real relationship. Then the story gets super boring.

Real life, grown up problems are not interesting. I couldn't care less about Brianna's three kids, and her insistence on being alone to remain faithful to her dead husband's memory, or whatever. Thomas magically goes from cocky businessman, to amazing stepfather wannabe in like ten seconds and it was way cheesy. Also, meeting the kids, and hanging out at home means no sex, which is also boring. A story can't just go from great, spontaneous sex, to hand holding. It's not right. Love Me also seemed to drag on quite a bit, since Thomas and Brianna have a few misunderstands which caused one of them to run off without letting the other even finish what they were going to say. Shouldn't people in their thirties know better?

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  • 20 November, 2013: Finished reading
  • 20 November, 2013: Reviewed