Touching the Clouds by Bonnie Leon

Touching the Clouds (Alaskan Skies, #1)

by Bonnie Leon

Kate Evans is an adventurous and independent young woman with a pioneering spirit. She pilots a mail-delivery plane in the forbidding Alaskan wilderness, the lone woman in a male profession. But even that seems easy compared to finding true love. She likes a fellow pilot and would even consider marrying him--if it weren't for Paul, a mysterious man on her mail route with a gentle spirit and a past to hide. Can Kate break through the walls Paul has put up around his heart? And will her quest for adventure be her demise?

Book 1 in the Alaskan Skies series, Touching the Clouds will draw readers in with raw emotion and suspense, all against the stunning backdrop of the Alaskan wilds.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

Bonnie Leon is one of those authors that gives it all to her readers. There is suspense that makes you keep on reading. Romance that makes you struggle and route for certain characters and mumble for others to get out the way. There is adventure that makes your heart soar. Descriptions are painted that make you emotions rise and your imagination smile. As a reader, hearing the water trickle whether it is from a lake, beach or snow melting all come through clearly as well as the birds in the air and wolves in the brush.

Without a doubt this novel is well researched and diligently written. I have enjoyed every single page and twist in the story. Nerves wracked and wondering when "it" would happen and what would come next. Kate had my support through her antagonistic co-worker(s) and Paul had my heart and my craving for his past to fall away to open him to a new future. It is amazing how characters' lives can be so similar, yet so different as well. The people on the page came off the page with ease and into my heart.

Every minute spent in the Alaskan brush was an adventure and I cannot wait for more in the series and more from Bonnie. Highly recommended!

*Thanks to Revell Books for providing a copy for review.*

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  • Started reading
  • 18 July, 2010: Finished reading
  • 18 July, 2010: Reviewed