We Should Hang Out Sometime by Josh Sundquist

We Should Hang Out Sometime

by Josh Sundquist

Josh Sundquist had only ever had one girlfriend.
For 23 hours.
In eighth grade.

Why was Josh still single? To find out, he tracked down the girls he had tried to date and asked them straight up: What went wrong?

We Should Hang Out Sometime is the the result of Josh's semi-scientific, wholly hilarious investigation. From a disastrous putt-putt date involving a backwards prosthetic foot to his introduction to CFD (Close Fast Dancing) to a misguided "grand gesture" at a Miss America pageant, this story is about looking for love-or at least a girlfriend-in all the wrong places. We Should Hang Out Sometime is for every person who has ever wondered, "is there something wrong with me?" (the answer, by the way, is "no").
By revisiting middle school, high school, and college experiences, inspirational speaker Josh Sundquist shares what it was like to grow up as "the guy with one leg." Interspersed with the author's black-and-white line art, this real life story will appeal to fans of The Fault In Our Stars and Ned Vizzini's Teen Angst.

Reviewed by Leah on

4 of 5 stars

When I spotted Josh Sundquist’s book up for request on Netgalley I had no idea who Josh was – I didn’t know he was an amputee, or an athelete, or a really awesome Youtuber, these are all facts I’ve discovered since I read his memoir We Should Hang Out Some Time (although not the Youtuber part, I found that when I googled him). I just thought his book sounded really interesting, and somewhat similar to Katie Heaney’s memoir Never Have I Ever (in fact, those two should meet some time, they have a lot in common) and I was interested to read it and even more surprised and chuffed when Little, Brown accepted me!


We Should Hang Out Some Time is basically Josh’s quest to figure out why none of the girls he has ever liked in his entire life has ever actually gone out with him. (See, very much like Katie’s book). What I loved about it was Josh’s refreshing honesty. He’s SO honest and it’s quite endearing for him to confess so much to the world. Not many people would willingly write a book about their very poor non-existant love life. So kudos!

I also really loved the layout of the novel where there was background on the girl in question, Josh’s hypothesis and then the investigation into why it went wrong. It was a pretty fun aspect, and a different way to write the novel. Also really fun were all the graphs – I’m a bit of a mathlete (or I would have been if my school had had mathletes, and I had actually stayed in school) so I loved the graphs and pie charts, even if they were mostly charting poor Josh’s embarrassing situations.


We Should Hang Out Some Time was a quick, fun read. Josh is a very brave man – not only with the things he’s accomplished and dealt with not related to girls, but also to confess all his romantic misgivings to the world. But I’m glad he did, because I am now an avid follower, and I love his YouTube videos. Fingers crossed fiction is his next venture because he has such a great writing style and I think it would translate very, very well!

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  • 4 December, 2014: Reviewed