Reviewed by funstm on

4 of 5 stars

Never Buried is the first book in the Leigh Koslow mystery series, a series of five books written and set in the late 90's/early 2000's. The thing that's hilarious and unique about this series is the fact that the author took a decade long break before deciding to check back in with Leigh and the gang (also ten years later) and has proceeded to write a further six books. I had never heard of the series before but when the author started writing again, the first book was offered for free on Amazon and it came to my attention. I'm really glad it did because this series has become a bit of a favourite.

In Never Buried, Leigh Koslow, 29 year advertising guru, has just moved in with her pregnant cousin, Cara, while Cara's husband Gil is away working. But the first morning there Leigh proceeds to find a dead body in the hammock and somehow, Leigh, Cara - their police friend, Maura, Maura's mother, Mary, Leigh's other mate, Warren, all get caught up in solving the mystery.

I really enjoyed this. The mystery was good. I like when there's old cases to be investigated. And I enjoyed the mix of trying to figure out how it impacts the present. The investigation was slow and steady and maybe won't be for everyone but I rated it. I worked out some parts and was surprised by others. It was logical and the reasons behind everything made sense which is always nice.

Leigh was hilarious. I liked her wit and sarcasm. She reminds me a lot of Kinsey Millhone with her curiosity and being self-proclaimed wimps. Although Kinsey has training to back herself up so...maybe not. But there's definitely something very similar.

I loved the rest of the cast of characters. Maura was hilarious. And her mum, Mary, was epic. Mary catching Leigh when she falls off the roof! And I love that Maura's heavy duty police work is really just her mum telling her the goss. Charlotte (Maura's aunt) tricking Leigh into being the one to wake Maura where she ends up with a busted nose and crushed toe was pretty good too. I love when old women get the best of others. Cara's neighbours the Rhodis' are pretty funny too. Adith Rhodis was a card.

And I loved Leigh's dad, Randall - I liked the laid back attitude - he seems to take all things in his stride. It was amusing to see that Leigh knows people based on whether or not they own a pet and visited her father's veterinary.

Overall it's a strong mystery with lots of humour and heart. 4 stars.

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  • 1 January, 2013: Reviewed