The Pint of No Return by Ellie Alexander

The Pint of No Return (Sloan Krause Mystery, #2)

by Ellie Alexander

No other festival compares to Oktoberfest in Leavenworth, Washington. The whole town is buzzing with excitement over this year’s activities and eagerly awaiting Nitro’s latest offering Cherrywizen, made with locally sourced cherries. But local brewmaster Sloan Krause is tapped out. Between trying to manage the pub, her pending divorce with Mac, and her mounting feelings for Garrett, she’s fermenting in internal turmoil.

To complicate matters, dreamy movie star Mitchell Morgan and his production crew have arrived in the village to film during the authentic Bavarian brewfest. Mitchell has his eye on Sloan and a taste for Nitro’s Cherrywizen. Sloan escapes his advances for good when she finds Mitchell slumped over the bar. Is this a case of one pint too many, or has Mitchell been murdered by microbrew?

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

The Pint of No Return is the second book in the Sloan Krause cozy mystery series by Ellie Alexander. Released 2nd Oct 2018 by St. Martin's on their Minotaur imprint, it's 304 pages and available in ebook, paperback, hardcover, and audiobook formats.

This is a well written, decidedly cozy murder mystery with a side of romance. Main character Sloan is likeable and engaging. The murder in the mystery follows the well established mystery 'rule' to make the victim as unlikable as humanly possible (which also handily provides a wide pool of suspects).

The author is either very well versed in the world of brewing or has an astounding capacity for in-depth research. I loved that she throws in lots of info about different methods of brewing, different hops varieties, and even some fun beer related chemistry.

There's a fair bit of light humor. There's some pun based humor, mostly in the names of beers and foods (and book titles), but nothing which I found especially egregious.

The book does contain some drinking (of course), but no extreme profanity (one 'sh*t') or sexual content. Nothing to make the average reader blush.

This is a good light-hearted cozy.

Four stars.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes

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  • 22 February, 2019: Reviewed