Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

Her Lone Wolf is the second in a fantastic and unique shifter series from Paige Tyler, and it didn’t disappoint. I loved the first in the series because it introduces these new and unique shifters. They’re unique because they don’t shift into full animals but they have the all the advantages of their animal side and a lot of the quirks too.

Danica is now a FBI agent, and working really hard to forget about Clayne, a wolf shifter that she came to love, but of course fate, with a little help from Clayne’s supervisor throws them back together. They’re hunting a serial killer in California, he’s very obviously another shifter who enjoys hunting humans.

So while Danica and Clayne fight their attraction they also battle to find the killer and stop him. I really loved the action in this story, while they are in some ways falling in love again, the action of finding the killer keeps this story moving at a fast pace.

There is a great twist at the end that I didn’t see coming and I really look forward to more in this series, there is a bit of the storyline from the first book, and I imagine that particular storyline will continue throughout the series, but even with that little bit, this could easily be read as a standalone. It does a good job of reintroducing the shifters without boring someone who has already read the first book.

Reviewed by Sheri for Cocktails and Books

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  • 10 January, 2015: Reviewed