Reviewed by phyllish on

3 of 5 stars

A heartwarming story of a young boy’s letter to God and the way his prayer was answered

My rating is 3.5 stars

As you are probably aware, it is unusual for a romance story to contain a heroine who is not thin and gorgeous. Author Alexa Verde stepped out on a limb by creating Joy as a plus-sized character. I applaud her for that! It did seem like the author made her a little too perfect in every other way (except for her clumsiness). Somehow, whatever was needed, Joy was the answer to it. Her primary failing, at least in Dylan’s eyes, was her fear of commitment. Other than that, it was hard to not like Joy.

The boys and Dylan were lovingly incompetent males when it came to domestic chores such as cooking. It was fun how the boys kept reacting to the potential of Dylan cooking. Their hearts were large and the love they had for one another was touching, especially Travis, who apparently was in a rough situation before he was adopted. I enjoyed the way he continually watched out for Junior and even tried his hand at matchmaking.

With various adventures, several trips to the emergency room, and some disastrous dates that Dylan went on, Season of Joy is a heartwarming story of a young boy’s letter to God and the way his prayer was answered.

This review was originally posted on Among the Reads

I was given a copy of this book for free. I was not required to give a favorable review nor was any money received for this review. All comments and opinions are my own.

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  • 20 November, 2018: Reviewed