If Mashed Potatoes Could Dance by Paige Shelton

If Mashed Potatoes Could Dance (Country Cooking School Mystery, #2)

by Paige Shelton

 At Gram’s Country Cooking School in Broken Rope, Missouri, Isabelle “Betts” Winston and her grandmother share the secrets of delicious home-style recipes. But there’s one secret they keep from their classes—their ability to talk to ghosts from the town’s colorful past…


Betts and Gram agree to help their friend Jake at Broken Rope’s Historical Society by accommodating some foodie tourists for the night and occupying them with cooking lessons. It couldn’t be worse timing when the pair encounter the ax-wielding ghost of Sally Swarthmore, one of Broken Rope’s legendary murderers, who pleads with Betts to help find her diary--a diary that could prove that Sally was really a victim, not a villain.

But they soon have a modern-day murder on their hands when one of the tourists turns up dead with a noose around his neck and two other tourists are nowhere to be found. Now Betts needs to put the cooking classes on the back burner to untangle two knotty mysteries and rope in a cold-blooded killer.

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

4 of 5 stars

I was a little hesitant to start this book, something about the axe-wielding ghost just didn't immediately appeal to me, but once I picked it up I was hard pressed to put it back down again. A lot of fun! A great murder mystery I had no idea of the ending to, as well as a great ghost mystery as well (although I had the result of that investigation pegged early on). I really liked Sally-the-ghost. All the characters are likeable and I got a big kick out of seeing a cameo appearance by Sam Brion, the Sheriff from Ms. Shelton's other mystery series. I'm hoping for more sparks between Betts and Cliff in future books though... I like them together but they are, at the moment, a bit lukewarm.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 February, 2013: Finished reading
  • 6 February, 2013: Reviewed