Overbite by Meg Cabot

Overbite (Insatiable, #2)

by Meg Cabot

The sequel to Meg Cabot's bestselling paranormal romance with bite - Insatiable

Meena Harper has bitten off more than she can chew . . .

Meena has a special gift, but only now does anyone appreciate it. Her ability to predict how everyone she meets will die has impressed the Palatine Guard-a powerful secret demon-hunting unit of the Vatican-and they've hired her to work at their new branch in Lower Manhattan. Sure, Meena's ex-boyfriend was Lucien Antonescu, son of Dracula. But that was before he (and their relationship) went up in flames, and now she's sworn off vampires for good-even though she firmly believes that just because they've lost their souls, it doesn't mean they can't love.

Convincing her new partner, UEber-demon-hunter Alaric Wulf, that vampires can be redeemed won't be easy . . . especially when a deadly new threat arises, endangering not only the Palatine, but Meena's friends and family as well. As she unravels the truth, Meena will find her loyalties tested, her true feelings laid bare . . . and temptations she never even imagined before nearly impossible to resist.

Reviewed by ammaarah on

1 of 5 stars

Overbite starts off extremely promising! The beginning of Overbite had Meg Cabot's trademark wittiness and hilariousness. Unfortunately, the ending felt serious, rushed and unsatisfying.

I didn't like Meena. In Insatiable, I didn't see why Meena is such a special snowflake. She only knows how people are going to die. In Overbite there is no development of Meena character. Meena is extremely weak, stupid and indecisive about what she wants in her life. Meena becomes a cardboard-cut-out character in Overbite and this makes her unlikable. I especially dislike Meena's lack of emotion towards Lucien at the end of this book. Lucien, the love of Meena's life, sacrifices himself for her. She doesn't grieve and accepts his death without showing any emotions or pain. She then runs into another guys arms, Alaric's, two weeks after the "love of life" has died.

In fact, many of the main characters personalities are stereotypical. Lucien is now the tortured vampire soul who is becoming evil and has also lost his gentlemanly ways that I had a small admiration for. The side characters who I love, Jon, Liesha, Mary-Lou and Emil aren't given the page time that they deserve. The only character that shows development and becomes more likable is Alaric and I feel the only reason he "changed" is to made him the good vampire-hunting love interest.

The romance is terribly done. As I mentioned above, Lucien and Alaric personalities change in order to suit their roles in Overbite. This change in personality isn't believable. Even although I dislike Lucien, he has more chemistry with Meena than Alaric does. I feel that Meena's and Alaric's relationship is platonic and they didn't get to know each other well enough in order to form a believable and long-lasting relationship. It takes Meena two weeks to decide that she wants to go with Alaric to an island even although the "love of her life" has died. Her relationship with Alaric was so unexpected "out of the blue".

The ending is the worst. It's rushed, short and sappy. The story is extremely predictable. I knew that Father Henric was a vampire long before it was revealed. The ending is unresolved and seems like it leads into a sequel. The events that occur in the ending, that I have mentioned in the spoilers makes me mad! It's extremely unbelievable and unrealistic and it ruined Overbite.

I'm a huge fan of Meg Cabot and unfortunately the Insatiable series is a let down. If you want to read something from Meg Cabot, I would recommend her other books instead of this vampire series that fails to make me a fan of the undead.

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Reading updates

  • 22 September, 2015: Started reading
  • 27 September, 2015: Finished reading
  • 27 September, 2015: Reviewed