Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

This is such a fun series and one that I recommend you listen to in the order of its release, if nothing more than to understand how this young woman came to live with two fae and a vampire as their pet. Well, not their actual pet and hey, not in a kinky way either! Just grab your earbuds and listen you won’t regret it!

I was dying to dive into Between Floors after the ending of Between Shifts and we dive right into and we find the Detective and Pet in the between.

Upon their return, Athelas has gone missing and Pet begins having bizarre dreams. Addictive, dark and twisted I was pulled in as I tried to determine what was real, what was behind and between over and under…ahhhh! Of course no one listens to Pet!

I love Pet and her interaction with JinYeong a Korean speaking vampire. Pet has been learning Korean, but also has begun understanding him more and more. She can’t decide whether he is letting her or something is happening. These two are a hoot together from the teasing to sibling type pranks. The narrator Zehra Jane Naqvi simply nails the snark, tension and affection between these two.

Gingell has created such a fresh, original series. I absolutely adore these characters and the way in which they play off each other. From meaningful conversations to frustrations it all feels genuine.

The Australian setting, slang and narration provided by Zehra Jane Naqvi brings another unique twist to the story for this American. She gives a unique voice to each character and even speaks Korean for JinYeong. Her voice for Pet rings true, although I increase the speed to 1.3x. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 27 October, 2019: Finished reading
  • 27 October, 2019: Reviewed