Reviewed by Linda on

4 of 5 stars

*I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange of an honest review*

Delightful and humorous.

This and all my other reviews are originally posted on my blog (un)Conventional Bookviews

Lord Rakehell's Love is a quick and humorous novella in the first book of Donna Cummings' new historical romance series The Curse of True Love. I loved both of the main characters, Simon is the Lord who is more known for being a rake than anything else, but once he loses his heart to Georgina, he doesn't want anybody else anymore. Georgina, despite her mother's warnings not to ever wed a rake, can't help but be swept off her feet, and she has a hard time not loving Simon, even after the disaster on their wedding day.

I loved the humorous way Aphrodite and Ares were introduced to the story, and how they even were a part of the mortal world during Lord Rakehell's Love. Both the humor and the exquisite chemistry between Georgina and Simon jumped out of the pages and made for a very enjoyable and quick read. I know I will read more in this series, because I want to see what mischief Aphrodite and Ares are up to, and I also think I know who one of the main characters will be.

If you like to read historical romances with a different twist, and you enjoy smiling and laughing while reading (that is, when you're not fanning yourself!) you should definitely pick up a copy of Lord Rakehell's Love. It's fun, it's hot, and it's cheap! Only $.99 on amazon right now!

Pleasure. Yes, that is indeed what it would be, were they to ever kiss. His touch practically promised it.

She was torn between wishing something dreadful had befallen him, and wishing he would arrive so she could be the one who caused something dreadful to befall him.

"Your fondness for gothic reading material must be curbed," Simon answered with a frown. "And soon."

"If I ever have that dreamy quality to my voice when describing a woman I want to bed-" Simon scowled at him. ""ed," Hugh amended. "A woman I want to wed. March me to the most public spot in Hyde Park and aim my own dueling pistol at my heart." "I am an excellent shot, Weyson, but even I am unable to make a direct hit on an invisible target."

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  • Started reading
  • 28 August, 2013: Finished reading
  • 28 August, 2013: Reviewed