Scoring Wilder by R.S. Grey

Scoring Wilder

by R.S. Grey

What started out as a joke— seduce Coach Wilder—soon became a goal she had to score.

With Olympic tryouts on the horizon, the last thing nineteen-year-old Kinsley Bryant needs to add to her plate is Liam Wilder. He's a professional soccer player, America's favorite bad-boy, and has all the qualities of a skilled panty-dropper.

• A face that makes girls weep – check.
• Abs that can shred Parmesan cheese (the expensive kind) – check.
• Enough confidence to shift the earth’s gravitational pull – double check.

Not to mention Liam is strictly off limits . Forbidden. Her coaches have made that perfectly clear. (i.e. “Score with Coach Wilder anywhere other than the field and you’ll be cut from the team faster than you can count his tattoos.”) But that just makes him all the more enticing…Besides, Kinsley's already counted the visible ones, and she is not one to leave a project unfinished.

Kinsley tries to play the game her way as they navigate through forbidden territory, but Liam is determined to teach her a whole new definition for the term “team bonding.”

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

Rating: 4.5 Stars (if I could)

Kinsley is an up and coming soccer star starting her freshman year at ULA. Liam is a professional soccer player who is trying to re-brand himself by volunteering to help with the ULA women's soccer team. From the moment they see each other at an LA Stars house party, there are sparks. But there are obstacles: Kinsley is 19, Liam is 25. Kinsley is a player on the team that Liam is coaching. They just can't fight their feelings and begin a relationship despite all the obstacles.

This book was a lot of fun. Kinsley is a very witty girl and I found myself laughing, often. I loved how she was a very strong female character. She wore her motto, "she believed she could so she did", on her skin and she worked for things that mattered to her: soccer, her friends, and Liam. Her best friend, Becca, is also a super-fun, hysterical character and the two of them together made me smile. They held each other up and also worked hard to lighten the load for each other. And Liam, ---sigh----, Liam. Perfect. Book. Boyfriend. This book is very schmexy too. Don't worry.

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  • 7 November, 2014: Finished reading
  • 7 November, 2014: Reviewed