Bounce by Noelle August

Bounce (Boomerang Trilogy, #3)

by Noelle August

Following in the bestselling tradition of Molly McAdams and J. Lynn, this final chapter in the fun and steamy New Adult trilogy by Noelle August (authors Veronica Rossi and Lorin Oberweger) features two aspiring musicians who must choose between their careers...and their sizzling attraction for each other.

Playing the occasional club gig just isn’t cutting it for twenty-two-year-old cellist Skyler Canby, who’s trying to support herself and her mother back home in Kentucky. Persuaded by her best friend Beth to accompany her on an audition for the first feature film launched by Blackwood Entertainment, she figures why not Beth’s a shoe-in for the lead, but maybe Skyler’s newly dyed pink hair will help her stand out enough to score a small speaking part.

Never in her wildest dreams does Skyler imagine she’ll land the lead role or that she’ll have her shoes knocked off her feet by the kiss her audition partner, Grey Blackwood, plants on her—a kiss that feels very real and not at all “acted. ”

After throwing a party that causes thousands of dollars of damage to his older brother’s home, reckless musician Grey Blackwood gets roped into working off his debt on the set of his CEO brother’s newest project. Grey spends his days fetching coffee and doing odd jobs around the studio, but he lives for nights when he performs with his band. He knows if he can stay focused, success as a singer is just around the corner. But that’s tough with a distracting pink-haired girl occupying his every waking thought.

Skyler and Grey have every reason to resist each other. But, like a song neither of them can get out of their minds, they have no choice but to go where the music takes them. 

Reviewed by Lynn on

5 of 5 stars

The Boomerang series finishes on a high as Bounce is definitely my favourite book of this fun and entertaining series.

Grey Blackwood moved to California to live with his brother when his life fell apart on the East Coast, shunning his father and stepmother out of his life. He's looking for direction in his life and finds it in music. Now he's a lead singer in a band but somehow still manages to land himself in trouble. Big brother Adam barged in and turns him into a gopher on his latest film project in an exercise to instill some responsibility into his young mind. Surprisingly, Grey accepts the new challenge.

Skyler Canby is living on the breadline as she's struggling to meet her own loving expenses and support her family back in Kentucky. Her friend Beth pursued her to have a makeover and go to along with her for an audition as an extra in a film. Skyler can't believe her luck when she lands the leading role after an off-the chart hot kiss with a gorgeous stand-in at the audition.

Grey is portrayed as young and impetuous, but masks the real reason for turning his back on his parents and his deep rooted insecurities. Once in California he finds his niche in music but still manages to get himself in to trouble. I'm impressed how Adam deals with his wayward little brother and sets him on the straight and narrow in an attempt to make him accountable for his actions.
Meeting Skyler, a musician at the audition is a distraction he needs and gives him the impetus to change. Skyler is dealing with her own insecurities and problems, overwhelmed with supporting her family whilst her wayward musician father tours around with his band. Her judgement is clouded so she turns to Brooks, a more mature guy to confide in. But Grey is the one to cause the sparks to fly. Only she has to believe that he is mature enough to give her what she desires.

The writing style is light and humorous and well written. The “feel” of Bounce is slightly different from the previous two books; due to the protagonists being a few years younger than the rest of the Boomerang gang! The film set back drop is fun however I missed the quirkiness of Boomerang and the crew.

Overall a fitting conclusion to the Boomerang Trilogy and I'll definitely look out for more from the writer collaboration that is Noelle August.

4.5 stars

***arc generously received courtesy of publisher William Morrow via Edelweiss***

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  • Started reading
  • 18 July, 2015: Finished reading
  • 18 July, 2015: Reviewed