Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

I liked Liam much better than Aidan, but it's still not great. We already met Liam in the previous book, so we know what he's going through. One night, he's hit with this overwhelming emptiness which can only mean one thing: Ava is dead. He rushes to her home to see if she's there, and she is. Covered in blood and not breathing. Before he can comprehend what's happening, he's drugged and wakes up in some kind of lab, with Ava on the other side of a partition. She's not dead, but someone plans on torturing her in order to torture him.

The beginning of Liam reminded me of the first Saw movie. It's really nothing like that except for two people being kidnapped and messed with, but still, the imagery was there. Plus the guy behind it was a total psycho. It was a bit disturbing, but I did kind of wish the entire story had taken place there. Lots of tension! But, soon enough they escape, but the kidnapper isn't giving up so easily. The end was rushed, but it was pretty satisfying. Unlike the sex scenes.

I do have to complain about the sex in Liam. Liam mentions that Ava likes things a bit kinky, noting a few specifics, like tying her up with her work apron and some dirty talking. However, when it comes time for them to have sex, it's a total bore! There is none of that going on! There is one "close call" scene where he talks about doing the things that she likes, but they never do it! I felt robbed! Why bring up the good stuff, if they aren't going to do it!?

There's not much I want to say about Liam. I thought it was a good shifter romance. I really like the mating system used, and how we've gotten to see many different scenarios in just two books. I do feel like I should mention that there are quite a few typos, very noticeable ones.

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  • 26 March, 2014: Finished reading
  • 26 March, 2014: Reviewed