Bad Deeds by Lisa Renee Jones

Bad Deeds (Dirty Money, #3)

by Lisa Renee Jones

"To save his family empire from the grip of the drug cartel, Shane is pushed to the edge of darkness, forced to make choices he might never make. His father is dying. His brother is desperate to rule the empire--and this means war and all gloves are off. His brother only thought he knew what dirty meant: Shane is about to give it new meaning. There is another war brewing though, and that one is inside him, his battle between right and wrong, light and dark, and in the heat of the night, it is Emily he turns to for escape"

Reviewed by Linda on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on (un)Conventional Bookviews
Bad Deeds was a fast-paced and exciting read, with a monumental cliff-hanger that left me breathless and incredulous.


Following straight after the ending of Damage Control, Bad Deeds is faster paced, and because I have gotten to know the characters much better, I was more involved as well. The danger is stronger, as is the rivalry between family members, until something happens to make a change. Emily is put in extreme danger and a situation she could never have seen coming. And the plot continues to thicken.


Shane and Emily are still the main characters, however, the readers get more time with Derek, Seth and Jessica, which makes for a more even story in some ways.

Writing style :

First person present tense, with chapters from Emily's and Shane's point of view.

Feels :

The suspense! It was killing me! Bad Deeds made my heart almost beat out of my chest!

You could always sacrifice your queen and let her die a royal death. Would it - would she - be worth it to win?

Don't go throwing your moral high code on me. And don't fucking to id to my son or you'll get him killed.

Last modified on

Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 8 July, 2017: Finished reading
  • 8 July, 2017: Reviewed