Shift by Jeri Smith-Ready

Shift (Shade, #2)

by Jeri Smith-Ready

Logan returns as a ghost, complicating sixteen-year-old Aura's budding relationship with Zachary, especially when they discover that Logan might be able to become solid again.

Reviewed by Linda on

5 of 5 stars

Another beautifully written book about Aura, Logan, Zach, Megan and their friends. I think this is the only kind of love triangle that would ever seem 'normal' to me! I usuallay hate love triangles so much it sometimes puts me off books when it happens in stories I'm reading, but here, it made sense.

Logan definitely was the character who grew the most, but Aura and Zach, and even Megan weren't far behin.

I was really happy Mickey was able to start looking towards the future again, and feel that it still migth be bright.

It was really beautiful when Logan was finally able to pass on, and I thought it was wonderful that he stayed to do it while being alone with Aura.

Zach and Aura were also able to work through their complications, and their hunt for true answers about the stonehenges, as well as about Aura's past was very exciting. I'm starting to really hate those stupid DMP's with a passion :P

I wish we were 2012 already so I could just jump on to the next book. Zach is totally swoonworthy, and seems way wiser than his years.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 August, 2011: Finished reading
  • 14 August, 2011: Reviewed