Beneath the Surface by Lynn H. Blackburn

Beneath the Surface (Dive Team Investigations, #1)

by Lynn H. Blackburn

After a harrowing experience with an obsessed patient, oncology nurse practitioner Leigh Weston needed a change. She thought she'd left her troubles behind when she moved home to Carrington, North Carolina, and took a job in the emergency department of the local hospital. But when someone tampers with her brakes, she fears the past has chased her into the present. She reaches out to her high school friend turned homicide investigator, Ryan Parker, for help.

Ryan finds satisfaction in his career, but his favorite way to use his skills is as a volunteer underwater investigator with the Carrington County Sheriff's Office dive team. When the body of a wealthy businessman is discovered in Lake Porter, the investigation uncovers a possible serial killer--one with a terrifying connection to Leigh Weston and deadly implications for them all.

Dive into the depths of fear with an exciting new voice in romantic suspense. Award-winning author Lynn H. Blackburn grabs readers by the throat and doesn't let go until the final heart-pounding page.

Reviewed by phyllish on

4 of 5 stars

Beneath the Surface by Lynn H. Blackburn

My review is 4.5 Stars

Author Lynn H. Blackburn sprinkles intense suspense with tongue-in-cheek humor and makes it work without seeming contrived in Beneath the Surface.

“No one gets anywhere near your house without going through a police barricade, Leigh.”

“That’s not sustainable. I’m costing the taxpayers thousands of dollars.”

“Hardly. We’ve caught so many speeders, we’re making money on the deal. No one realizes what’s happening. They think it’s a speed trap. And a good one at that.”

Though there were clues about who the serial killer was, they were not overt, and there was some misdirection that had me second-guessing as I read. The investigation was very interesting to read about. I appreciated the fact that so many people and methods were employed. Though the MO of the killer was disgusting, the descriptions were not gory. Plus, I wisely read the story on a Saturday during the day, so I was able to read it when it was light out and finish it in the same day I started. Whew!

The investigators in the story were interesting and very well developed. The fact that they were all believers and had such a close comradery was a nice touch. Anissa’s prayer for the investigation and the meal was so beautiful. I can’t wait to read more of their stories in the next books.

Ryan was Leigh’s brother Kyle’s best friend, and unbeknownst to her, all Kyle’s friends had been warned to not even think about pursuing a relationship with her. While I really like this plot element, I really have to wonder how often this happens in real life, and what in the world those big brothers are thinking! I don’t have a brother, but always figured that falling in love with their friends is the whole reason God gave big brothers to girls in the first place. Isn’t it?

There is a strong Christian message in the story as Leigh struggles with trusting that God cares about her and is working things for her good. It was incorporated very naturally to the story and was very touching and insightful.

This review was originally posted on Among the Reads

For a special feature of the blog tour, be sure to read Phyllis' "The Power of Prayer" at

I would like to thank Just Read Publicity Tours, and Netgalley for giving me this item. This gift did not influence my opinion or review.

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  • 25 April, 2018: Reviewed