The Wish Stealers by Tracy Trivas

The Wish Stealers

by Tracy Trivas

When a sinister old woman leaves Griffin Penshine a box of twelve shiny pennies, she sets in motion a desperate quest-because the old woman was a wish stealer, and each penny represents a wish she stole from a wishing fountain decades earlier. Somehow, Griffin has to make things right, or the opposite of her own wishes will come true-and it could literally be a matter of life and death. The Wish Stealers introduces a new voice in middle-grade fantasy, as bright and sparkling as Griffin's pennies.

Reviewed by sstaley on

3 of 5 stars

This was a cute book for kids ranging from 8-12. I would give it a higher rating if I was that age. As far as an adult reading this book, I had to give it a 3. It had a great premise, but everything seemed to wrap up too nicely and too predictably for me. As I said, kids will like it, adults not so much. Funny thing is, I don't always feel this way about middle grade books. Some of them I really enjoy. This book will be going into my class library at school.

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  • 28 December, 2010: Reviewed