Angel Experiment by James Patterson

Angel Experiment (Maximum Ride, #1) (Best of Maximum Ride, #1)

by James Patterson

WELCOME TO MY NIGHTMARE Do not put this book down. I'm dead serious - your life could depend on it. I'm risking everything by telling you - but you need to know.

STRAP YOURSELF IN for the thrill ride you'll want to take again and again! From Death Valley, California, to the bowels of the New York City subway system, you're about to take off on a heart-stopping adventure that will blow you away...

YOUR FAITHFUL COMPANIONS: Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, the Gasman and Angel. Six kids who are pretty normal in most ways - except that they're 98% human,...

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Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

very good book, it sucked me in from the first line...Lots of action, lots of weird crap going on, and they most definitely leave you hanging so it's a must to go get the next book just so you know what happens next. Angel is becoming a spoiled brat since they saved her...I think these kids are in for a rude awakening once they find their parents. EEK!

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  • Started reading
  • 18 January, 2011: Finished reading
  • 18 January, 2011: Reviewed