Remember When 2 by T. Torrest

Remember When 2 (Remember Trilogy, #2)

by T. Torrest

You know how sometimes, your high school crush grows up to be an insanely famous movie star? Okay, probably not. But I do.

Back in high school, Trip Wiley’s fanbase only encompassed the denizens of the nothing little suburb of Norman, New Jersey.

Ten years later, all that is about to change.

In the summer of 2000, Layla Warren is enjoying her career as a journalist in New York City (well, sort of), while Trip spends most of his time grabbing Hollywood by the balls. In the days before what will turn out to be his skyrocketing fame, they’ll find themselves confronted with some life-altering choices.

Remember When 2 is the second story in an NA romance trilogy. It will bring you back to that exuberant and riotous time of life in your twenties when you struggled to figure out your place in the world and the person you were meant to be...

…and the person you were meant to be with.

** Remember When 2 is intended for readers over the age of 18 due to some questionable language and sex. **

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

I am not going to act like I didn't see that ending coming, but I did, since this is trilogy.

It was sort of painful seeing what became of Layla. I was so excited when she got her second chance and reconnected with Tripp. But, in true Layla fashion, she makes her decisions based on her head and not her heart.

I liked that we got to catch up with some of the gang. It was fun to see what became of all those characters from the pervious book, and of course, spending time with Tripp.

Happy that I will get to start the next book immediately, because the drama was pretty high at the end of this book.

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  • Started reading
  • 22 September, 2017: Finished reading
  • 22 September, 2017: Reviewed