Member since Jul 29, 2022
I Am Number Four (Lorien Legacies: The Lost Files) (Lorien Legacies, #1) by Pittacus Lore
Reviewed 7 Mar, 2011
The Voyage of the "Dawn Treader" (The Chronicles of Narnia, #5) (Narnia) by C. S. Lewis
Reviewed 1 Sep, 2010
The Republic (Plato, #14) (Classics) (Golden Classics, #53) (Classical Texts) (Dover Thrift Editions) (Everyman) (Loeb Classical Library) (BCP Greek Texts) (Capstone Classics, #13) (Focus Philosophical Library) (Books4all) (Wordsworth Classics of World Literature) (Golden Treasury S.) (Dialogues of Plato) (Vintage Classics) (Crofts Classics) (Plato's Collection) (Jefferson Publication) (Global Classics) by Plato
Reviewed 1 Jan, 2008
Brave New World (Study Texts S.) (Transaction Large Print S.) (Harper Perennial Modern Classics) (The collected works of Aldous Huxley) (Cover to Cover Classics) (Audio Editions) (Critical Insights) (Queen's Classics) (Heritage of Literature S.) (Chatto Pocket Library S.) (Flamingo modern classics) (MOST RED) by Aldous Huxley
Reviewed 1 Aug, 2006