Snore, Sneeze, Burp

by Moira Butterfield

Published 19 August 2025

Burp! A-a-a-choo! PARP! Hic, hic, hiccup! COUGH! PARDON YOU!
What’s going on? How come our body makes noises without us telling it to?

In Snore, Sneeze, Burp, meet some kids and their brainy dog, Charlie. They’re here to help you find out why humans (and other animals) are sometimes accidentally noisy. This brilliantly funny, fact-filled book is full of body noises, including:

  • Stinky, noisy farts
  • Gurgling tummies
  • Snorty snores
  • Hic, hic, hiccups
  • Secret sounds inside you... and many more 

This new playful, energetic non-fiction series (A Book Full of...) from Moira Butterfield looks at familiar questions from children about the world around them, and with the help of child characters and their clever dog, they discover the answers they need.

Snore, Sneeze, Burp helps children become body noise experts while assuring them that these noises are natural and nothing to be worried about!