Book 1

From the ashes of the Krakoan era, founding X-Man Jean Grey once again unites with the power of the immortal entity, the Phoenix, and takes to the stars in this cosmic solo epic!

She is Jean Grey, one of the most iconic X-Men. She is Phoenix, the nigh-omnipotent cosmic entity of pure power. She fights for life. She brings death. One woman, alone in space, who not only must do what no one else can: She yearns to. And when a desperate S.O.S. from Nova brings the Phoenix to the edge of a black hole where hundreds of souls hang in the balance, Jean is dedicated to protecting innocents. But whatever she does — or fails to do — will bring darkness to the universe and haunt her in ways she can scarcely imagine! Plus: You’d think that with all of outer space as her playground, Jean would be safe from family dropping by without warning — but when your father-in-law is Corsair of the Starjammers, anything can happen!

COLLECTING: Phoenix (2024) 1-5

Book 2

Jean Grey's new status quo as cosmic defender Phoenix reaches new heights, as she faces off against Marvel's biggest cosmic villain - Thanos!

Jean Grey has been going toe-to-toe with some of the universe’s toughest foes, but now a new threat is brutally asserting his dangerous reputation: none other than Thanos. And while Phoenix singlehandedly battled back the Black Order, their nefarious progenitor — and his mysterious connection to Jean’s many galactic enemies, like Perrikus and the Dark Gods — is another story entirely. To have a hope of victory, Jean will need to reach out — beyond the limits of her own powers — and find allies to take a stand against the Mad Titan! With warriors like Captain Marvel, Nova, Sif and Rocket Raccoon at her side, maybe she has a chance. But when Jean ascends to her most powerful form ever, will she struggle to hold on to her humanity? 

COLLECTING: Phoenix (2024) 6-10