SpringerBriefs in Computer Science
1 total work
Practical Backscatter Communication for the Internet of Things
by Wei Gong, Jiangchuan Liu, and Weiqi Wu
This monograph covers the design of several practical backscatter schemes from the perspective of IoT applications.
This monograph is devoted to offering a comprehensive and detailed discussion of the design of high-reliability, high-efficiency spectrum utilization, cross-technology support, and concurrent backscatter schemes. In particular, this monograph starts with introductory Chapter 1, introducing the background of backscatter communication, including its concepts and characteristics. Then, it highlights the potential IoT applications assisted by backscatter communication. After that, the importance of high-reliability, high-efficiency spectrum utilization, cross-technology, and concurrent backscatter schemes is emphasized to actualize these applications. Chapters 2-5 discuss in detail how to achieve reliable backscatter (Chapter 2), spectrum-efficient backscatter (Chapter 3), cross-technology backscatter (Chapter 4), and concurrent backscatter (Chapter 5). Chapter 6 summarizes the monograph and provides a vision for future research directions to bring a broad class of IoT applications into our everyday lives