Transformer, Bert, and Gpt

by Oswald Campesato

Published 15 November 2023

Gpt-4 for Developers

by Oswald Campesato

Published 15 December 2023

This book offers a comprehensive guide to leveraging Python-based data visualization techniques with the innovative capabilities of Google Gemini. Tailored for individuals proficient in Python seeking to enhance their visualization skills, it explores essential libraries like Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn, along with insights into the innovative Gemini platform. With a focus on practicality and efficiency, it delivers a rapid yet thorough exploration of data visualization methodologies, supported by Gemini-generated code samples. Companion files with source code and figures are available for downloading.


  • Covers Python-based data visualization libraries and techniques
  • Includes practical examples and Gemini-generated code samples for efficient learning
  • Integrates Google Gemini for advanced data visualization capabilities
  • Sets up a conducive development environment for a seamless coding experience
  • Includes companion files for downloading with source code and figures

Google Gemini for Python

by Oswald Campesato

Published 21 March 2024
This book provides a bridge between the worlds of Python 3 programming and Generative AI, aiming to equip readers with the skills to navigate both domains with confidence. It begins with an introduction to fundamental aspects of Python programming, which include various data types, number formatting, Unicode and UTF-8 handling, and text manipulation techniques. In addition, you will learn about loops, functions, data structures, NumPy, Pandas, conditional logic, and reserved words in Python. Further chapters show how to handle user input, manage exceptions, and work with command-line arguments. The text then transitions to the realm of Generative AI, discussing its distinction from Conversational AI. Popular platforms and models, including Bard (now called “Gemini”) and its competitors, are presented to give readers an understanding of the current AI landscape. The book discusses the capabilities of Bard, its strengths, weaknesses, and potential applications. Finally, you will learn how to generate a variety of Python 3 code samples via Bard.

This book is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the intersection of web development and artificial intelligence (AI). It covers various aspects of modern web development and AI technologies, with a particular emphasis on Generative AI, CSS3, SVG, JavaScript, HTML, and popular web features like 3D animations and gradients. By exploring these topics, readers will gain a deeper understanding of how AI can enhance web development processes and how to leverage AI models like Google Gemini to streamline development workflows. Web developers, UI/UX designers, and software engineers seeking to blend traditional web development skills with the latest AI technologies will find this book to be a valuable resource.