Book 1

Sons of Darkness

by Gourav Mohanty

Published 27 May 2022


Bled dry by violent confrontations with the Magadhan Empire, the Mathuran Republic simmers on the brink of oblivion. The Republic’s Leaders, Krishna and Satyabhama, have put their plans in motion within and beyond its blood-soaked borders, to protect it from annihilation. But they will soon discover that neither gold nor alliances last forever.

They are, however, not the only players in this game.

Mati, Pirate-Princess of Kalinga, must mend her ways if she is to be a good wife. But old habits die hard, especially when one habitually uses murder to settle scores. Karna, the gifted son of a lowborn charioteer, hopes to bury his brutal past, but finds that life is not generous in offering second chances. The crippled hero-turned-torturer Shakuni struggles in the maze of daggers, that is politics, leaving little time for him to plot the revenge he craves.

Alongside a cast of sinister queens, naive kings, pious assassins and predatory priests, these dubious heroes will converge where the Son of Darkness is prophesied to rise and break the World, even as forgotten Gods prepare to play their hand.

Book 2

Dance of Shadows

by Gourav Mohanty

Published 16 January 2025
The seeds of war are best sown in the season of peace.

A pirate-queen discovers the only gold around is in the bars of her cage...

A temple-courtesan's heart dances for the archer she was tasked to destroy...

A librarian-princess learns how to steal to save the world from an ancient plague...

While the battle for Mathura rages in the West, the great powers gather in distant Kamrup - the lush and mysterious Tree City of the East - to thrash out the political future of the realm. Their aim: to secure prosperity and a lasting peace. But at this magnificent conclave, deaf swordswomen and exiled snakelings, spoilt heroes and lovesick princes, immortal assassins and their apprentices will find no sun to light their way.

For the Son of Darkness rises, boiling over with a wrath that all the oracles in the world cannot hope to forestall.

After all, seeing the future is one thing, changing it is quite another…