This book opens up a critical dimension to the field of industrial ecology. The book discusses the emerging green theories in industrial ecology and evolving practices adopted by businesses to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. The author(s) identifies valuable lessons to be learned and presents conceptual frameworks and ideas to guide future industrial ecology applications, which are integrated into the triple bottom line approach and have cornerstone value to achieving Sustainable Development Goals. Additionally, the book discusses the relevant economic theories that serve as the foundation for the presented green views. This elaboration of economic ideas reinforces our work's relevance to achieving a green economy. Therefore, this book is essential for industrial ecology scholars and those interested in ensuring an environmentally sustainable future.

This book provides readers with insight into current industrial ecology practices in developing and developed countries, how it impacts sustainability, and why it is becoming more relevant. The book affects the audience to understand the scarcity of raw materials because of COVID-19 lockdowns and rising population and resulting demand. The chapters in the book shed light on the best practices to increase sustainability practices, leading to an increase in the triple bottom line. Governments around the globe are striving to meet United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030. Based on current trends, governments, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, will miss the target. For achieving the goals, current and future (grad students) managers should be educated to achieve the targets early. The inculcated idea of industrial ecology will enable managers to think in the right direction and use out-of-the-box ideas to increase sustainability in short-term and long-term solutions to their immediate problems and future threats and weaknesses in the Post COVID-19 era.