Book 1

The King's Weapon

by Neena Laskowski

Published 3 April 2023

Kallie’s next assignment from her father, the king of Ardentol:

Choose a suitor,
Capture his heart, then
Take his throne.

Although the Great War that split Vaneria into seven kingdoms ended one hundred years ago, its shadow looms over the people. Due to her unique gift from the gods, Kallie has become her father’s errand girl and his key to uniting the kingdoms once again. For years, she has trained her body, her mind, and her ability to manipulate people, but she wishes to be more. To have more control over her life and more power. The success of this assignment will finally prove that she is capable of just that.

However, the mission quickly goes awry when an enemy kingdom captures Kallie on her way to her chosen suitor’s palace. As her captors drag her across Vaneria, she must face the truth that there might be more to her story than she once thought. And while she may be a master of manipulation, she is not immune to it.

Now Kallie must decide: is she the one doing the manipulating or is someone else manipulating her?

The first book in the series, The King's Weapon is an Upper YA/NA Fantasy filled with action, betrayal, witty banter, and tension. Fans of Bridge Kingdom, Throne of Glass, and Graceling are sure to enjoy.

Book 2

The Crown's Shadow

by Neena Laskowski

Published 11 December 2023

She wants power.
He wants revenge.
Both will do whatever it takes to get what they desire.

Kallie has manipulated, lied, and seduced the people around her since she was a child all in the pursuit of power. Sailing away on that ship should have put her problems behind her, yet somehow they have followed her instead. To get what she wants, Kallie must pretend that she is in love with a king she does not know. However, there’s one problem: she can’t get him out of her mind.

— - —

Despite everything, Graeson hasn’t given up. Holding onto a single strand of hope, he will travel to the end of Vaneria to break whatever hold Domitius has on her. Even if it means breaking a few ties … or necks.

The Heir's Bargain

by Neena Laskowski

Published 30 May 2024

A fierce warrior. A Crown Prince. A Bargain that could break them apart.

Danisinia Ferrios has always lived in the shadow of her family's legacy, but now, as she aims for a major promotion, her lack of personal ties threatens to hold her back. Now, she has less than five months to prove her commitment.

Enter her smug best friend and newly appointed Crown Prince of Pontia, Fynneares Nadarean, bearing an unexpected proposition: a faux courtship. Desperate to fend off unwanted suitors arranged by her mother, Dani relents.

But as their friendship blurs into something more, they must navigate the murky waters of love and duty. Will their arrangement lead to a happily ever after, or will it unravel before their eyes?

Get ready for a captivating story that blends fantasy and contemporary romance and explores friendship, passion, and hidden desires.