Book 1

The Primal Heartbeat

by Nadine Abrahams

Published 17 March 2023

We begin this tale in 306 CE, a time when magic is at its peak. Romance made its greatest stories and where anyone could become a hero. We are in a time where men have the last word and disease and murder reign free.

I hope to lighten your heart with the tale of a very special lass:

Stars Fallen.

Telewanake affectionately known as Ake is a young tribal girl born into a world dominated by men. She is destined to bring about the downfall of the evil goddess Drianna. Ake tries to carve out a world for herself but everyone keeps making decisions for her, deeply impacting her destiny. Orphaned and alone she meets her soul mate.

Her future lover comes to the task unwillingly and battling his own inner turmoil. Their story is one of enduring love against hardships caused by the evil in humanity. Theirs is a tale of mercy and forgiveness that beats with a tale older than time,

That first Primal Heartbeat.

Book 2

Ake's Ascent

by Nadine Abrahams

Published 5 April 2024