Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the Overworld, the zombies have returned!

Bobbie is on a mission. She’s already survived one encounter with Logan, the zombie-herding jerk who attacked her village and turned her brother into a zombie. And now she won’t rest until she stops...Read more

The Overworld is in trouble.
On the ground, a rampaging army of armor-clad zombies is roving across the biomes. In the sky, a wicked Wither is leaving a path of destruction—and Wither roses—wherever it goes.
And in Bobbie’s party, the tension is tighter than a skeleton’s bowstring . . ....Read more

Minecraft: Zombies!

by Nick Eliopulos

Published 3 September 2024
Meet the next big thing in the world of official Minecraft novels: zombies!

Looking after a little sibling can be a real headache . . . especially when they’re a zombie trying to eat your brains!
Life is good for Bobbie in the sleepy village of Plaintown. Sure, her...Read more