Book 3

Determined to secure the Aria Trading Company’s connections and resources though, Rishe rolls up her sleeves and gets to work. Her mission? Convince Tully of her value as a trading partner by establishing a business of her very own! Yet just when things seem to be looking up for her, she’s kidnapped and brought to the slums! Who exactly is behind her abduction and what do they want?

Book 4

After her confrontation with Prince Theodore in the slums, Rishe was finally able to end the feud between him and his brother Arnold. Most people would take a break after an ordeal like that, but Rishe is not most people! So when they return to the castle and Arnold offers her any gift she’d like, it’s not jewelry or trinkets she asks for, but a duel! Later on, another ghost from Rishe’s past arrives in Galkhein. This time it’s the prince of a neighbouring country who claims he’s there to congratulate Rishe and Arnold on their engagement. However, Rishe can’t shake the feeling there’s more to his visit than meets the eye…

Book 5


In the month and a half since Rishe became the fiancée of Galkhein’s crown prince, she’s wasted no time. Not only has she forged alliances with important figures from her past lives, but she’s also made friends with the common people of the kingdom. Most importantly, her time spent training in secret with the knight recruits has strengthened her resolve to alter the future and avoid the war she knows is coming. So when the true reason for Prince Kyle’s visit is finally revealed, Rishe is more determined than ever to intervene and prevent tragedy from befalling both Coyolles and Galkhein – even if it means risking Arnold’s wrath!

Book 6

Reincarnation drama gets sent into overdrive in this tale full of romance and scheming that inspired the anime—and don’t miss the original light novels, also from Seven Seas!

Every time Rishe turns twenty, she dies and is reincarnated to the day she gets dumped. She has been a merchant, an apothecary, and even a maid. For her seventh life, she has one goal: to live a long and lazy life. But then she gets a marriage proposal from the Crown Prince–the man who killed her in her previous life as a knight. Despite her determination to avoid drama, here she goes again!