Raven's Dyke

by Jane Hatton

Published 16 June 2022
They were the beautiful, rich and indulged daughters of a very famous man who adored them, but when Austin Willerby died, Julie-Anne and Austine found themselves, money, property and all, in the hands of a complete stranger. It did not seem as if Merlin Ravenscourt (‘Only someone like Anabel could find a name like that!’ commented Julie-Anne) meant to take his guardianship very seriously, but nevertheless, a little daunted by the sudden removal of so much protective affection, the two girls travelled from America to England to discuss their future. Their father’s friends placed them on the plane with fond solicitude – and at the other end their guardian waited to receive them.
But something went wrong, and they found that they had flown from a world where they were loved and sheltered into one which more closely resembled a nightmare.
A tense and exciting novel, utterly convincing.