Emotions: Feeling

by Chiara Piroddi and Camilla Garofano

Published 27 September 2023

The proposed activities are inspired by the studies of Daniel Goleman on emotional development and concern child's reflection on the characteristics of emotions, on one's own and others' emotional states and on the association of physical characteristics to certain emotions. In the book the 6 basic emotions and the 2 social emotions are analysed. In this activity book the ability developed is Feeling: by training child's emotional ability, we can provide them with tools to face the most complex situations and the most difficult and important tasks, which could not be entrusted solely to the intellect. Ages: 5 to 7

Animemory: Thinking

by Chiara Piroddi

Published 8 September 2023

Following the Montessorian studies based on the observation of real nature, the box contains 40 cards for a total of 20 pairs of animals, divided between parents and puppies of the same species. The activities of the memory game allow to train executive functions of the child concurring in carrying out the tasks of everyday life: Memorising, Recognising, Classifying, Categorising, Associating, Sorting by logic. In this box, the ability developed is Thinking: through a simple game like memory, cognitive development is supported, from perception to attention to visual-spatial memory. Ages: 3 to 5

How Do You Feel?: Feeling

by Chiara Piroddi

Published 8 September 2023

The story of this book, through its interactive flaps, was inspired by the studies of Paul Ekman, thanks to which we can recognise 6 fundamental activities: Recognising the emotions, Feeling empathy, Trusting, Socialising, Pondering & Identifying. A short story in which the ability developed is Feeling: the protagonists are children aged around 4 years, of various ethnic groups and physical characteristics, which reflect on the different components that emotions have, thus becoming a useful tool for working on emotional education. Ages: 3 to 5

To share is a process that involves complex cognitive and emotional skills. To be able to share, the child must be able to understand that objects exist and belong to him even when he does not see them and be able to put himself in the other's shoes. With the identification through illustrations, the child understands how to enjoy shared games, enhancing these moments and highlighting the fun in doing what they like best. We help the children to find solutions that can mediate their needs with those of others, without this necessarily implying a renunciation. In this way, we manage their ability to think about a solution strategy, and to respect the needs of the other. Ages: 0 to 3

Storyteller: Communicating

by Chiara Piroddi

Published 8 September 2023

With the colourful cards of the Storyteller, children will be able to create their own adventures following the basics of the theories of Vladimir Jakovlevic Propp on fairy tales, using the available subjects (animals, objects, symbols and places): Initial balance, Rupture of the initial balance, Adventure of the hero, Restoration of balance. In this box, the developed ability is Communicating: the vocabulary grows thanks to the gaming experience, linguistic expressions and storytelling skills are driven through story sequences that the child can combine into always new adventures to read and imagine. Ages: 5 to 7

Before and After: Exploring

by Chiara Piroddi

Published 8 September 2023

The book is based on studies by Sylvie Droit-Volet about the perception of time in children, and the activities are proposed in everyday circumstances, such as preparing for going to school. In this interactive book with flaps, the ability developed is Exploring: orientation and spatial-temporal coordination are trained, curiosity is encouraged by giving the reader the tools to face increasingly complex situations and the most difficult and important tasks. Ages: 3 to 5