This book is a complete guide for students on how to make the most of intensive, experiential research outside a college classroom. Engaging in research as an undergraduate can lead to successful and rewarding careers in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM). Being successful in an undergraduate research experience benefits from the self-awareness and planning, strategies and skills that Success in Navigating your Student Research Experience can help you build and develop. 

The first part of this book describes strategies and processes for finding, applying, and preparing for an undergraduate research experience that matches your own needs and interests. These strategies are useful for any student, but are particularly helpful for individuals who have been minoritized in STEMM or are the first in their family to attend college. The central part of the book presents the undergraduate research experience as a “three-legged stool” whose legs—research, education, and community—each have unique values in advancing your path in STEMM. The last part of the book illustrates the many options for continuing and expanding your path in research. These range from communicating results to colleagues to moving forward with graduate studies and careers in STEMM, in which you can become a mentor to the next generation of students.

This book is the student’s companion to the authors’ book for mentors, “Success in Mentoring your Student Researchers: Moving STEMM Forward.

This book is a guide for mentors on how to recruit, mentor, and support students through a student research experience in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM) fields. Being a successful research mentor benefits from the self-awareness and planning, strategies and skills that Success in Mentoring your Student Researchers can help you build and develop. These are useful for mentors working with any students, but especially those who have been minoritized in STEMM or are the first in their family to attend college.  

The first part of the book introduces mentoring undergraduates and how it differs from traditional classroom instruction, active learning, and flipped classrooms; mentoring is collaboratively teaching research while doing research. A mentored undergraduate research experience also helps your mentees develop the skills necessary to be successful scientists and become part of STEMM communities. The central part of the book presents the undergraduate research experience as a “three-legged stool” whose legs—research, education, and community—each have unique values in advancing your mentees’ path in STEMM and all of which require setting, communicating, and realizing expectations for “success”--your mentees’ and your own. The last part of the book looks beyond the research experience, from evaluating your success as a mentor through helping your mentees to continue to develop and grow their STEMM careers and become mentors themselves. 

This book is the mentor’s companion to the authors’ book for students, “Success in Navigating your Student Research Experience: Moving Forward in STEMM.