Book 1

Jean Valjean, a starving man who commits an act that will haunt him for the rest of his life; Cosette, a young orphan girl; Javert, an obsessed policeman; Marius, a revolutionary who inspires the working classes. These unforgettable characters and more make up the cast of Victor Hugo's classic novel, Les Misérables, renowned as one of the greatest works of Western literature. Its countless adaptations have appeared in film, TV, and on stage alike. Now, experience the epic tale of love, tragedy, and redemption in this gorgeously illustrated and faithfully adapted manga series!

Book 2


Jean Valjean has escaped his fate and, as mayor and factory owner, brought prosperity to the small town where he has settled. But when word comes that an innocent man may pay for his crimes, Valjean has to decide whether to save one life, the existence of his people, or his own soul. Valjean is already too late to rescue Fantine from her fate, but a Christmas Eve encounter with her daughter Cosette may just offer Valjean one last chance to do the right thing. Victor Hugo’s immortal hymn to the human spirit continues!

Book 3


Cosette, having grown into a lovely young woman, has attracted the attention of student Marius Pontmercy. Jean Valjean, ever suspicious that his past will be uncovered, stands in the way of the budding relationship, but Marius discovers another threat to Valjean–a murder plot masterminded by Thénardier! Thénardier’s daughter Éponine has fallen for Marius, and must choose where she stands, as will the entire city of Paris when the barricades go up and the June Rebellion begins! Who shall be redeemed, and who shall die in the streets, in this stanza of Victor Hugo’s immortal hymn to the human spirit?

Book 4

Men whose minds are aflame with idealism gather at the Corinthe, in the center of Paris, to stage a rebellion! Marius and Valjean have an unexpected reunion at the barricades, and then part ways equally unexpectedly. The long night of revolution dawns into a morning of celebration. Paris is in a festive mood as Cosette and Marius are blissfully married. While the couple bask in their joy, Valjean withdraws into lonely darkness. But when crafty innkeeper Thénardier exposes the whole truth to Marius, what fate will befall the unfortunate Jean Valjean? Victor Hugo’s immortal hymn to the spirit of humanity reaches its climax here, in the powerful conclusion of Les Misérables!