Tigers have roared and pounced their ways into kids' hearts. With this book, readers can become tiger experts and learn how to save the animals they love. Featuring an introduction from Chelsea Clinton!

Did you know that a tiger roar can be heard from two miles away? Or that...Read more

Save the...Elephants

by Sarah L Thomson and Chelsea Clinton

Published 13 September 2022
Elephants have roamed and trumpeted their ways into kids' hearts. With this book, readers can become elephant experts and learn how to save the animals they love. Featuring an introduction from Chelsea Clinton!

Did you know that elephants can't jump? How about that no two elephants have ears that...Read more

Save the...Whale Sharks

by Anita Sanchez and Chelsea Clinton

Published 13 September 2022
Did you know that whale sharks are sometimes called domino fish because of the spots on their backs? How about that the smallest recorded whale shark was only fifteen inches long? Or that whale sharks have teeth on their eyes?

Perfect for all animal lovers - and...Read more

Blue whales have swum and sprayed their ways into kids' hearts. With this book, readers can become blue whale experts and learn how to save the animals they love. Featuring an introduction from Chelsea Clinton!

Did you know that the tongue of blue whale can weigh as much as...Read more

Save the...Giraffes

by Anita Sanchez and Chelsea Clinton

Published 10 January 2023
Did you know that an adult giraffe can eat a hundred pounds of leaves a day? How about that male giraffes fight each other by swinging their long necks around and using their heads as battering rams against their opponents? Or that one well-placed giraffe kick can kill a...Read more

Save the...Frogs

by Sarah L Thomson and Chelsea Clinton

Published 10 January 2023
Did you know that there is a wood frog in the Arctic that survive for weeks with half of its body frozen solid? How about that the golden poison frog is only two inches long but carries enough poison to kill eight people? Or that that largest frog in...Read more

Did you know that a lion can eat hundreds of pounds of meat at a time, as much as is in four hundred hamburgers? How about that lions are the only kind of cat that lives, hunts, and eats in a group? Or that a lion's roar can be...Read more

Did you know that gorillas and humans share 98 percent of our DNA? How about that an adult gorilla will eat forty pounds of plants in a day? Or that gorillas only live in one place in the world: the rain forests of the Congo River basin?

...Read more

Polar bears have swum and lumbered their ways into kids' hearts. With this book, readers can become polar bear experts and learn how to save the animals they love. Featuring an introduction from Chelsea Clinton!

Did you know that a polar bear's fur looks white only because it reflects...Read more

Save the... Koalas

by Anita Sanchez and Chelsea Clinton

Published 5 September 2023
Koalas have climbed and munched their ways into kids' hearts. With this book, readers can become koala experts and learn how to save the animals they love. Featuring an introduction from Chelsea Clinton!

Did you know that koalas spend most of their lives up in the treetops, only coming...Read more

Rhinoceroses have wallowed and grazed their ways into kids' hearts. With this book, readers can become rhinoceros experts and learn how to save the animals they love. Featuring an introduction from Chelsea Clinton!

Did you know that rhinoceroses are the second biggest land animal in the world, second only...Read more

Save the...Pandas

by Anita Sanchez and Chelsea Clinton

Published 5 March 2024
Pandas have rolled and munched their ways into kids' hearts. With this book, readers can become panda experts and learn how to save the animals they love. Featuring an introduction from Chelsea Clinton!

Did you know that pandas only live in the wild in China? How about that they...Read more

Turtles have swum and snapped their ways into kids' hearts. With this book, readers can become turtle experts and learn how to save the animals they love. Featuring an introduction from Chelsea Clinton!

Did you know that a turtle named Jonathan is the oldest known living animal on Earth?...Read more

Save the... Penguins

by Anita Sanchez and Chelsea Clinton

Published 3 September 2024
Penguins have marched and waddled their ways into kids' hearts. With this book, readers can become penguin experts and learn how to save the animals they love. Featuring an introduction from Chelsea Clinton!

Did you know that penguins are the fastest-swimming birds on the planet? How about that their...Read more