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Did you know that a tiger roar can be heard from two miles away? Or that...Read more
Did you know that a tiger roar can be heard from two miles away? Or that tiger saliva prevents infection? Or how about that a tiger's urine smells like buttered popcorn?
Perfect for all animal lovers--and tiger fans in particular--this book is filled with information that young readers will love to learn. From where tiger habitats are found to what it's like to be a tiger to why tigers are endangered and who has been working hard to save them, this gives readers all the facts they know to become tiger experts.
Complete with black-and-white photographs, a list of fun tiger facts, and things that kids can do right this very moment to help save tigers from extinction, this book, with an introduction by animal advocate Chelsea Clinton, is a must for every family, school, and community library.
Did you know that elephants can't jump? How about that no two elephants have ears that...Read more
Did you know that elephants can't jump? How about that no two elephants have ears that are exactly alike? Or that elephants all walk on tiptoe?
Perfect for all animal lovers--and elephant fans in particular--this book is filled with information that young readers will love to learn. From where elephant habitats are found to what it's like to be an elephant to why elephants are endangered and who has been working hard to save them, this book gives readers all the facts they know to become elephant experts.
Complete with black-and-white photographs, a list of fun elephant facts, and things that kids can do right this very moment to help save elephants from extinction, this book, with an introduction by animal advocate Chelsea Clinton, is a must for every family, school, and community library.
Perfect for all animal lovers - and...Read more
Perfect for all animal lovers - and whale shark fans in particular - this book is filled with information that young readers will love to learn. From where whale shark habitats are found to what it's like to be a whale shark to why whale sharks are endangered and who has been working hard to save them, this book gives readers all the facts they know to become whale shark experts.
Complete with black-and-white photographs, a list of fun whale shark facts, and things that kids can do right this very moment to help save whale sharks from extinction, this book, with an introduction by animal advocate Chelsea Clinton, is a must for every family, school, and community library.
Did you know that the tongue of blue whale can weigh as much as...Read more
Did you know that the tongue of blue whale can weigh as much as an elephant? How about that blue whales’ songs can be louder than the engine of a jet plane? Or that, with the right equipment, you can hear a blue whale’s heartbeat two miles away?
Perfect for all animal lovers—and blue whale fans in particular—this book is filled with all the facts you need to know to become a blue whale expert! Where are blue whales found? What's it like to be a blue whale? Why are blue whales endangered, and who has been working hard to save them? Read this book and find out how you can help save the blue whales!
Complete with black-and-white photographs, a list of fun blue whale facts, and things that kids can do right this very moment to help save blue whales from extinction, this book, with an introduction by animal advocate Chelsea Clinton, is a must for every family, school, and community library.
Perfect for all animal lovers - and giraffe fans in particular - this book is filled with information that young readers will love to learn. From where giraffes habitats are found to what it's like to be a giraffe to why giraffes are endangered and who has been working hard to save them, this book gives readers all the facts they need to know to become giraffe experts.
Complete with black-and-white photographs, a list of fun giraffe facts, and things that kids can do right this very moment to help save giraffes from extinction, this book, with an introduction by animal advocate Chelsea Clinton, is a must for every family, school, and community library.
Perfect for all animal lovers - and frog fans in particular - this book is filled with information that young readers will love to learn. From where frog habitats are found to what it's like to be a frog to why frogs are endangered and who has been working hard to save them, this book gives readers all the facts they need to know to become frog experts.
Complete with black-and-white photographs, a list of fun frog facts, and things that kids can do right this very moment to help save frogs from extinction, this book, with an introduction by animal advocate Chelsea Clinton, is a must for every family, school, and community library.
Perfect for all animal lovers--and lion fans in particular--this book is filled with information that young readers will love to learn. From where lion habitats are found to what it's like to be a lion to why lions are endangered and who has been working hard to save them, this book gives readers all the facts they need to know to become lion experts.
Complete with black-and-white photographs, a list of fun lion facts, and things that kids can do right this very moment to help save lions from extinction, this book, with an introduction by animal advocate Chelsea Clinton, is a must for every family, school, and community library.
...Read more
Perfect for all animal lovers--and gorilla fans in particular--this book is filled with information that young readers will love to learn. From where gorillas habitats are found to what it's like to be a gorilla to why gorillas are endangered and who has been working hard to save them, this book gives readers all the facts they need to know to become gorilla experts.
Complete with black-and-white photographs, a list of fun gorilla facts, and things that kids can do right this very moment to help save gorillas from extinction, this book, with an introduction by animal advocate Chelsea Clinton, is a must for every family, school, and community library.
Did you know that a polar bear's fur looks white only because it reflects...Read more
Did you know that a polar bear's fur looks white only because it reflects the light around it, and that its skin is jet-black underneath? How about that a polar bear can swim constantly for days at a time? Or that male polar bears can weigh as much as ten men?
Perfect for all animal lovers—and polar bear fans in particular—this book is filled with all the facts you need to know to become a polar bear expert! Where are polar bears found? What's it like to be a polar bear? Why are polar bears endangered, and who has been working hard to save them? Read this book and find out how you can help save the polar bears!
Complete with black-and-white photographs, a list of fun polar bear facts, and things that kids can do right this very moment to help save polar bears from extinction, this book, with an introduction by animal advocate Chelsea Clinton, is a must for every family, school, and community library.
Did you know that koalas spend most of their lives up in the treetops, only coming...Read more
Did you know that koalas spend most of their lives up in the treetops, only coming down if they run out of leaves to munch on? How about that koalas eat almost every minute that they're awake? Or that these cute and cuddly looking animals can give off earsplitting roars that can be heard half a mile away?
Perfect for all animal lovers—and koala fans in particular—this book is filled with all the facts you need to know to become a koala expert! Where are koalas found? What's it like to be a koala? Why are koalas endangered, and who has been working hard to save them? Read this book and find out how you can help save the koalas!
Complete with black-and-white photographs, a list of fun koala facts, and things that kids can do right this very moment to help save koalas from extinction, this book, with an introduction by animal advocate Chelsea Clinton, is a must for every family, school, and community library.
Did you know that rhinoceroses are the second biggest land animal in the world, second only...Read more
Did you know that rhinoceroses are the second biggest land animal in the world, second only to elephants? How about that rhinos have especially poor eyesight? Or that white and black rhinos are called that even though neither of them is black or white?
Perfect for all animal lovers—and rhino fans in particular—this book is filled with all the facts you need to know to become a rhinoceros expert! Where are rhinos found? What's it like to be a rhino? Why are rhinos endangered, and who has been working hard to save them? Read this book and find out how you can help save the rhinoceroses!
Complete with black-and-white photographs, a list of fun rhino facts, and things that kids can do right this very moment to help save rhinoceroses from extinction, this book, with an introduction by animal advocate Chelsea Clinton, is a must for every family, school, and community library.
Did you know that pandas only live in the wild in China? How about that they...Read more
Did you know that pandas only live in the wild in China? How about that they are the only species of bear that eats almost nothing but plants? Or that pandas' black and white fur helps them hide in the shadows of their bamboo forests?
Perfect for all animal lovers—and panda fans in particular—this book is filled with all the facts you need to know to become a panda expert! Where are pandas found? What's it like to be a panda? Why are pandas endangered, and who has been working hard to save them? Read this book and find out how you can help save the pandas!
Complete with black-and-white photographs, a list of fun panda facts, and things that kids can do right this very moment to help save pandas from extinction, this book, with an introduction by animal advocate Chelsea Clinton, is a must for every family, school, and community library.
Did you know that a turtle named Jonathan is the oldest known living animal on Earth?...Read more
Did you know that a turtle named Jonathan is the oldest known living animal on Earth? (He’s almost two hundred!) How about that the largest sea turtles can dive more than three thousand feet below the water’s surface? Or that turtles’ shells have a spine in them, which makes turtles vertebrates—just like humans?
Perfect for all animal lovers—and turtle fans in particular—this book is filled with all the facts you need to know to become a turtle expert! Where are turtles found? What’s it like to be a turtle? Why are turtles endangered, and who has been working hard to save them? Read this book and find out how you can help save the turtles!
Complete with black-and-white photographs, a list of fun turtle facts, and things that kids can do right this very moment to help save turtles from extinction, this book, with an introduction by animal advocate Chelsea Clinton, is a must for every family, school, and community library.
Did you know that penguins are the fastest-swimming birds on the planet? How about that their...Read more
Did you know that penguins are the fastest-swimming birds on the planet? How about that their tuxedo-like coloring actually helps them keep their bodies at just the right temperature? Or that the biggest penguins of all, Emperor penguins, can dive deep into the water, holding their breath for almost half an hour?
Perfect for all animal lovers—and penguin fans in particular—this book is filled with all the facts you need to know to become a penguin expert! Where are penguins found? What's it like to be a penguin? Why are penguins endangered, and who has been working hard to save them? Read this book and find out how you can help save the penguins!
Complete with black-and-white photographs, a list of fun penguin facts, and things that kids can do right this very moment to help save penguins from extinction, this book, with an introduction by animal advocate Chelsea Clinton, is a must for every family, school, and community library.