Book 1


by Stacey McEwan

Published 30 November 2021

Dawsyn does not know what it is to live below. She was born on the Ledge—a prison with no need for walls and chains, an icy mountain shelf. When an opportunity to escape the Ledge presents itself for the first time in half a century, Dawsyn must take it. All she has to do is trust the very creature who kept her captive in the first place.

Book 2


by Stacey McEwan

Published 12 September 2023
Dawsyn's fight to save the people of the Ledge is far from over in this thrilling and highly anticipated sequel to the bestselling, Ledge

Dawsyn's miraculous escape from the Ledge was just the beginning. In the queens' dungeon, Dawsyn awaits her execution while reliving the death of her lover, Ryon. There is no hope for mercy.

But hope finds her in the form of rescue by her village friends. On the run and struggling to tame her newly-gained and greatly unstable powers, Dawsyn's journey continues. As she ascends the perilous mountain slopes once again to the Glacian kingdom in a desperate attempt to save those remaining on the Ledge, she discovers a new evil awaiting her. With a contingent of hundreds, she must lead her people way, but she has no way of knowing what will lie ahead, or what might follow behind...

Fighting with her ax and newfound power is arduous enough, but finds she must also battle her feelings of betrayal and hope when those she thought lost forever, may not be gone after all...

Book 3


by Stacey McEwan

Published 10 September 2024
The final instalment in the bestselling Glacian Trilogy from TikTok darling Stacey McEwan sees the conclusion to Dawsyn Sabar's epic romantasy quest to free her people... great for fans of Sarah J. Maas, Danielle L. Jensen and Raven Kennedy.

With a contingent of hundreds, Dawsyn must lead her people home, but she has no way of knowing what will lie ahead, or what might follow behind...

"All things find a way back home."

At the bottom of the Chasm, Dawsyn and her followers traipse through the darkness to find their long-awaited home. But there are whispers all around them and safety is never guaranteed. With her powers much depleted, and food supplies running low, will they even survive the journey?

Above, the Queen and the new King of Glacia still bay for Dawsyn's blood, and they will not stop in their quest to destroy her. And with the help of someone Dawsyn thought her friend, they creep ever closer.

Long-buried secrets will be revealed, hearts will be broken and a new day will dawn. Who will reign in this climactic conclusion to the epic Glacian Trilogy?