What is Morphology?

by Mark Aronoff and Kirsten Fudeman

Published 16 March 2022
Assuming only the most basic background in linguistics, What is Morphology? provides a concise, critical introduction to the central ideas and perennial problems of morphology. Designed to familiarize beginning students and specialists alike with the importance of morphology as a subject of research, this reader-friendly volume moves organically from the morphological "facts of everyday life" to important relationships with phonology, syntax, and semantics.
This third edition provides an expanded chapter on morphological productivity, as well as two entirely new chapters on morphology and its intersection with typology and computational linguistics written by a leading researcher in the field, Kyle Gorman. The third edition contains expanded exercises and updated further reading throughout whilst continuing to use cross-linguistic data from Kujamaat Joola, a West African language, throughout the book to explain and clarify new ideas presented.
What is Morphology? equips students with the skills to analyze a wealth of classic morphological issues through engaging narration and by direct example at the introductory level.