Book 1

Beyond the Grave

by R W Wallace

Published 15 July 2021

The forever rebellious Clothilde’s gravestone only mentions her first name and date of death. A small bump in the ground next to her grave marks former police officer Robert’s last resting place.

And in thirty years, no visitors for either of them.

Confined within the cemetery borders and yearning for closure to move on, the two ghosts can’t go after the people who killed them.

Until Clothilde receives her first visitor in thirty years — and along with it, the means to escape the cemetery.

Beyond the Grave is the first novel in the Ghost Detective series, following Robert and Clothilde in their search for justice.

Book 2

Unveiling the Past

by R W Wallace

Published 19 August 2021

Book 4

Piercing the Veil

by R W Wallace

Published 17 March 2022