Book 1

Empire of Dragons

by Rachel L. Schade

Published 17 September 2021

Fans of lush world-building, morally grey characters, enemies to lovers, and forbidden romance will devour this YA series.

Save the empire...or let it burn.

Revenge failed her...

Three years ago, Lo’laeni Nolanhou did the unthinkable, slaying the empress of the cruel Alrenian Empire and freeing her people, the Forwyn slaves. But the price of revenge wasn’t freedom, only guilt. Vowing to never kill again, Lo dedicated her life to the god Elhani, serving as a nun within the Circle of Serenity to fight against the injustices still wrought against her people in the torn capital of Alrenor.

Then Caesiem, a handsome and mysterious Teramese boy aligned with an underground Forwyn vigilante group, flips her world upside down. The unrest growing within Alrenor is worse than Lo realized. Corruption is everywhere...and the Forwyn vigilantes want an empress slayer.

Revenge fuels her...

For years, Empress Jaliana, Daughter of Karye, has been a captive in her own palace. A prisoner to her mother’s killers. A powerless pawn, alone and unable to take back her throne, her dragons, or her kingdom.Until one night a never-before-seen gift manifests itself within Jalie. It’s terrifying. Brutal. Everything she has ever needed. But the Forwyn won’t give in easily. They task Kovi, a young soldier, to watch over her, and he challenges everything she’s ever believed about her enemies...

One empire. An age-old hatred. Two girls who will risk anything—even their souls—for their people.

Not sure which order to read Rachel L. Schade's books in? The Cursed Empire series is set in the same world as the Silent Kingdom series, three years later, and follows new characters. If you're interested in both series, it's best to read SK first to avoid all possible spoilers. However, both series stand on their own and can be read in any order.

Book 2

Empire of Traitors

by Rachel L. Schade

Published 21 January 2022

Fans of lush world-building, morally grey characters, enemies to lovers, and forbidden romance will devour this epic YA series.

The empire has fallen. A new one will rise.


Lo abandoned everything—her friends, her way of life, and perhaps even her soul—to save her people. But a shocking betrayal left her reeling...and the Alrenian Empire in enemy hands. Against all odds, she’s determined to continue fighting for her people’s freedom. Playing the role of spy and deceiver, Lo plots among her enemies by day and dodges her would-be killers by night. Unfortunately that means staying close to the thief who stole her heart—and her empire.


Caesiem has spent his life fighting to survive. Life has always forced him to make the hard decisions—kill or be killed, take or be left to die. Even after being adopted into the imperial family, his every decision has hinged on keeping the struggling Teramese people alive. But as he and his army establish a new empire and prepare for a looming war, he begins to question everything he ever thought he knew about his allegiances—and his own identity.


Kovi promised nothing would get in the way of his decision to serve and protect his people. He has always been the perfect soldier—no matter the price, or the pain. So when the Teramese make an offer that could spare Forwyn lives, he knows his loyalty is to his people...not his heart.


In the fight to regain her throne, Jalie thought winning her freedom would be the hardest step. But now she faces threats from all sides—even from fellow Alrenians who label her as weak and unworthy. Desperation leads her once again to Nesrelle, Queen of Death, who offers a an uncertain price.

All have fought for their people. But will their sacrifices be worth the cost?