Book 1


by Henri Marotz

Published 3 May 2022

Book 3

Death Will Have His Day

by Henri Marotz

Published 27 December 2022

Book 4

Shame the Devil

by Henri Marotz

Published 18 April 2023

The prodigal son returns home.

The fourth book in this series is a re-imagining of Shakespeare’s Henry IV Part 1, set 6 years after America has settled into a Mad Max-like world of violence and chaos.

Hal, the scared little boy that once watched outlaws murder his mother, is now old enough to be a danger… mostly to himself. Having fallen in with a group of drunken thieves, led by Falstaff, Hal wants nothing to do with his father, the president, battling to re-unify a country torn apart by local strongmen and warlords.

Blaming his father for the death of his mother Hal couldn’t care less that he’s a disappointment and an embarrassment and a distraction from his father’s pathetic attempt to establish order.

But when a viscous army of survivalists threatens to destroy the last vestiges of America, Hal is forced to choose sides.

Will he put aside his anger and join his father in a fight for a cause he knows is just, or allow his darker instincts to remain in control and let anarchy rule the day?

Combining action, adventure, comedy and intrigue, Shame the Devil sets us up for the gripping conclusion to the series.