Book 1.2

Three brand new adventures featuring Christopher Eccleston as the Ninth Doctor.
2.1 Girl, Deconstructed by Lisa McMullin.
Marnie is missing. But she hasn't run away, as her dad fears - Marnie is still very much at
home. But not quite as she was.
The Doctor joins forces with Missing Persons detective Jana Lee to help solve the mystery of a
girl who's gone to pieces.
2.2 Fright Motif by Tim Foley.
In post-War Paris, musician Artie Berger has lost his mojo, but gained a predator - something
that seeps through the cracks of dissonance to devour the unwary.
Luckily for Artie, the Doctor is here. Unluckily for everyone, he needs bait to trap a monster...
2.3 Planet of the End by Timothy X Atack.
The Doctor arrives on a mausoleum world for sightseeing and light pedantry, correcting its
planetary records. The resident AI has other ideas.
Deep within a tomb, something stirs. Occasus is the last resting place of a species far too
dangerous to exist. And the Doctor is its way back.
Cast: Christopher Eccleston (The Doctor), Pearl Appleby (DC Jana Lee), Margaret Clunie
(Fred), Benjamin Davies (Douglas), Nick Fletcher (Second Incorporation), Jan Francis (First
Incorporation), Akshay Khanna (Sacristan Hinge / Elder Sacristan Hinge), Damian Lynch
(Artie Berger), Mirren Mack (Marnie/The Serapheem), Forbes Masson (Kurt), Adrian Schiller
(Maurice Le Bon), Gemma Whelan (Zazie Vincent). Other parts played by members of the cast.

Book 2.2

The second series of adventures from Big Finish continues, featuring Christopher Eccleston as
the Ninth Doctor.
Distant worlds, alien cultures, vessels of exploration - the Doctor is never more at home than
when he's out among the stars.
But that's when travellers face the greatest dangers, and where the Doctor's help is needed
2.1 Salvation Nine by Timothy X Atack.
The Doctor happens upon an unusual outpost - and discovers it is about to be annihilated.
To save Salvation Nine, he must rally a people for whom war is an alien concept - and protect
the future of the Sontaran race!
2.2 Last of the Zetacene by James Kettle.
The rich and the criminal rub shoulders on Stage Three spaceport - and play high-stakes
games for valuable prizes.
The Doctor is always interested in endangered species, and the Zetacene is more endangered
than most...
2.3 Break the Ice by Tim Foley.
On a chilly space station, the Doctor meets a group of scientists experimenting with
But when one subject returns from extreme sub-zero temperatures, he does not return alone.
A creature awakens that can freeze the soul with icy fingers - Jack Frost!
CAST: Christopher Eccleston (The Doctor), Lily Bevan (Antinav Floris), Nicolas Colicos
(Succeeding/Robot), Martyn Ellis (The Rotter/Delius), Alice Feetham (Nel), Josie Lawrence
(Gaznak), Amy Manson (Jeanie/System), Maureen O’Brien (Selo/First Gyra), Joanne Pearce
(Luton/Second Gyra), Pooja Shah (Navarch Al-Hanin), Simon Shepherd (Pal Andrews), Dan
Starkey (Sontaran), Thalissa Teixeita (Dr Lenni Fisk), Pip Torrens (Kenton). Other parts
played by members of the cast.

Book 2.4

The second series of adventures from Big Finish concludes, featuring Christopher Eccleston as
the Ninth Doctor.
Alien threats come in many forms - and many different hues. A charity shop where
customers vanish, a 1920s gentleman's club besieged by giant plants, and a distant
colony planet where death hides in darkness - wherever they manifest, the Doctor is
on hand to fight every shade of fear. Contains three new stories:
4.1 The Colour of Terror by Lizzie Hopley. Mrs Bevell wants to keep the star rating for her charity shop at any cost - but why does she stock so many items of one particular shade?
When West Morebry residents start to notice disappearances, the Doctor assembles a motley
band to do battle... with the colour red!
4.2 The Blooming Menace by James Kettle. Toby Entwhistle and his bachelor chums in the Fellows Club are falling victim to a plague - of
The chaps are all besotted by giant flowers – but Toby’s new valet seems to know what’s going
on. The Doctor could be London's only hope...
4.3 Red Darkness by Roy Gill. The sunlight from Solis Kailya could revolutionise colony farming. While his mother researches
its properties, Callen and his seeing (and talking!) dog Doyle meet a new arrival - and discover
an impending threat...
The Vashta Nerada are closing in, and they are not alone.

CAST: Christopher Eccleston (The Doctor), Moyo Akande’ (Marjie Lago / Bridget), Harki
Bhambra (Doyle), Milanka Brooks (Phil), Dinita Gohil (Sahdna Chand / Marla), Clive
Hayward (Birkett / Wycombe-Bassett), Dave Hearn (Toby Entwistle), Luke Kempner
(Bulstrode / Eulalia), Adam Martyn (Callen Lennox), Susan Penhaligon (Mrs Bevell), Laura
Rollins (Cath), Michael Shelford (Bram Gifford), Frank Skinner (Pete), Rachel Stanley (Nanny
Lewis), Leah Whitaker (Dr Iona Lennox). Other parts played by members of the cast.

Book 3.1

The Doctor meets many remarkable people on his travels – those at the forefront of
innovation and exploration. From a deep-space colony ship seeking safe haven, to the frozen
Arctic wastes, and the foundation of ideas which will touch the lives of millions – the Doctor is
there to lend a hand to the human race’s greatest pioneers! Contains three new adventures:
1.1 The Green Gift by Roy Gill.
Seeking a new home for Callen and Doyle, the Doctor lands on a vast spacecraft: The
The ship is nearing the end of its long journey but what is the price of this voyage? Who is
really in charge? And what legacies from Old Earth might be travelling with them?
1.2 Northern Lights by Robert Valentine.
The Doctor crashes to Earth and finds himself in the Arctic – but not quite alone. The Aurora
Borealis are even more unearthly than usual…
Intrepid explorer Fridtjof Nansen is trying to get home as alien forces close in. The Doctor
knows Nansen has a part to play in history – can he save the future?
1.3 The Beautiful Game by Katharine Armitage.
The Doctor decides to treat himself and attend the historic meeting which founds the football
league. But he arrives a week early!
Instead, he must enlist the help of a hotel maid to battle an obsessive alien before it consumes
everything that will ever be connected to the beautiful game…
Cast: Christopher Eccleston (The Doctor), Adam Martyn (Callen Lennox), Harki Bhambra
(Doyle), Louise Jameson (Fiacra), Maddison Bulleyment (Tay Lothlor), Andrew James
Spooner (Librarian / Herder / Helmsman), Ian Conningham (Fridtjof Nansen), Gerard Kearns
(Hjalmar Johansen), Ginnia Cheng (The Aurora), Daniel Cerqueira (Frederick Jackson), Homer
Todiwala (Steward), Rachel Fenwick (Daphne), Andrew Ellis (Donald), Raymond Coulthard
(William Sudell), Becky Wright (Eva / Strike).
Other parts played by members of the cast.

Book 3.4

The Doctor and River Song. Their lives are tangled, complex, intertwined.
But this Doctor doesn't do domestics, and for once, River might have her work cut out. With time and space against them, these lovers are star-crossed in more ways than most. Contains three new adventures: 

4.1 Swipe Right by John Dorney. 

On planet Crell, the mysterious Matchmaker is keen to pair up the populace via its dating app...but rejecting too many suitors can have fatal consequences. The Doctor is keen to investigate. Unfortunately, River Song is keen to investigate too.  They are on a collision course - but this time it might not be a match made in heaven.

4.2 Face of the Apocalypse by Lizzie Hopley.

Investigating a strange algorithm, the Doctor finds the high-security systems of the Intergalactic Bank has been compromised by River Song. She claims it's a case of stolen identity.

But when River's face starts appearing throughout history and the bank's vault fills with Temporal prisoners, something is clearly on its way to destroying all of spacetime...

4.3 Archipelago by Tim Foley.

River Song has a last request.  If the Doctor joins her on one final journey, she'll never bother him again.

Battered by storms on the planet Fortuna, the travellers are confronted with brutal home truths.  There is a captain in search of a husband. There is a ship in need of a light. And there are lovers lost in the maelstrom who will always be islands apart...

Cast: Christopher Eccleston (The Doctor), Alex Kingston (River Song), Francesca Mills (Bethany), Tom Neenan (Julien), David Hold (Barclay / Matchmaker), Beth Chalmers Cooper (Captain Thaddeus Grey), John Banks (Dr Harvey Grey). Other parts played by members of the cast.