Book 1

Alliance In Blood

by Ariel Tachna

Published 1 May 2008

Can a desperate wizard and a bitter, disillusioned vampire find a way to build the partnership that could save their world?

In a world rocked by magical war, vampires are seen by many as less than human, as the stereotypical creatures of the night who prey on others. But as the war intensifies, the wizards know they need an advantage to turn the tide in their favor: the strength and edge the vampires can give them in the battle against the dark wizards who seek to destroy life as they know it.

In a dangerous move and show of good will, the wizards ask the leader of the vampires to meet with them, so that they might plead their cause. One desperate man, Alain Magnier, and one bitter, disillusioned vampire, Orlando St. Clair, meet in Paris, and the fate of the world hangs in the balance of their decision: Will the vampires join the cause and form a partnership with the wizards to win the war?

Book 2

Covenant in Blood

by Ariel Tachna

Published 31 October 2008

The wizards and the vampires have forged an alliance based on blood and magic, hoping to turn the tide of the war against the dark wizards. A few wizard-vampire bonds are as successful as Alain Magnier’s and Orlando St. Clair’s, but some are much less so, leading to arguments, resentment, and outright fights between the allies despite their mutual goals.

Following his best friend Alain’s example, Thierry Dumont determinedly forms a partnership with vampire Sebastien Noyer, despite the wizard’s discomfort with being so close to a vampire—a man—so soon after his wife’s death. But they find that desperation may be the key to forming a covenant that works: Thierry and Sebastien are almost immediately devoted to one another’s safety.

With new strength behind it, the Alliance’s leaders move to announce its existence to the whole world, hoping to rally support against the dark wizards who threaten to destroy life as they know it. Struggling to find its way in the expanding war, the Alliance discovers that despite its advantages, the partnerships are affecting the balance of magical power in the world, which may be an even bigger threat than the war itself.

Book 3

Conflict in Blood

by Ariel Tachna

Published 11 May 2009

As the Alliance wizard-vampire partnerships grow stronger, the dark wizards feel the effects and become increasingly desperate to find enough information to counter them, unaware of the growing strain of the blood-magic bonds on the wizards and vampires alike.

The conflict is spreading. The strife of uncomfortable relationships, both personal and professional, is threatening to tear up the Alliance from the inside, despite the efforts of Alain Magnier and Orlando St. Clair, Thierry Dumont and Sebastien Noyer, and even Raymond Payet and Jean Bellaiche, leader of the Paris vampires, who is fighting to establish a stable covenant with his own partner so he might lead by example.

As the war rages on and heartbreaking casualties mount on both sides, the dark wizards keep searching for clues to understand and counter the strength of the Alliance, while the blood-bound Alliance partners hunt through ancient prejudices and forgotten lore to find an edge that can turn the tide of the war once and for all.

Book 4

Reparation in Blood

by Ariel Tachna

Published 30 October 2009

The war is at a fever pitch with both sides stretched to the limit, when the dark wizards score a shocking victory and capture Orlando St. Clair. Haggard with worry and grief at the separation from his lover, Alain fears that even if they find Orlando, the vampire’s heart and mind may be far too broken to save.

Knowing the Alliance teeters on the brink, Christophe Lombard, the oldest, most powerful vampire in Paris leaves his self-imposed seclusion to join the fight. Alain’s lost friend Eric Simonet, who betrayed him to join the dark wizards, is faced with a choice between revenge and redemption. And Jean, enraged by Orlando’s capture, faces the most agonizing decision in his unlife as the final battle looms: Will their actions lead to the shattering of the Alliance or the salvation of the world?

Books 1-4

Crossroads in Blood

by Ariel Tachna

Published 1 June 2011

Die komplette Serie Volume 5

by Ariel Tachna

Published 8 February 2022
KÖnnen ein verzweifelter Magier und ein verbitterter, desillusionierter Vampir einen Weg finden, Partner zu werden und ihre Welt zu retten? In einer Welt, in der ein Krieg der Magier tobt, werden Vampire von vielen als minderwertig angesehen, als die stereotypischen GeschÖpfe der Nacht, denen die Menschen zum Opfer fallen. Doch der Krieg wird immer bedrohlicher, sodass die Magier und Vampire eine Allianz schmieden, die auf Partnerschaften des Blutes und der Magie grÜndet. Sie hoffen, damit dem Krieg gegen die dunklen Magier eine entscheidende Wendung geben zu kÖnnen. WÄhrend der Krieg immer brutaler wird und sich auf beiden Seiten die Verluste hÄufen, suchen die dunklen Magier nach Wegen, die Allianz zu zerstÖren. Derweil durchforsten die Blutspartner alte Quellen, um hinter den Vorurteilen und Legenden das entscheidende QuÄntchen Wahrheit zu finden, das die Geschicke des Krieges endgÜltig zu ihren Gunsten wenden kann.